Lustful Revenge

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My name is Josh Taylor. Ever since i can remember, I've always been second to my older brother Ben for everything. To our family, at school, in sports, with friends, name it. He's always Batman and i will always be Robin.

They said I'm way more handsome than my brother but the problem is still with me because i don't know how to use this charm. It has always been, Ben gets what Ben wants. I envy my brother, I do but I'm not mad at him not until he bed my high school crush, Martha.

He apologized to me after i found out what he did but as what they said, the damaged has been done. It seems that for him, everything is just a game. After that incident, i never had a good relationship with him. He just made me feel that he can get whatever i desire most. From then, we never talk about personal things about my life. He talks about him when we got the chance to have casual talk. The women he bed. The women he stole from their boyfriends and husbands. The relationships he destroyed.

Now that we're college, i promise myself to have a life away from my brother that is why i enrolled in different university. Here, I got the fame I've always dreamed of and having a girl of my own has never been a problem to me because girls here go after me.

"Hi Josh!" Kate greeted me. She's from the same class same as me. She's the hottest girl in the whole university. She got the angelic face and sexy as hell body. Not only that because she also got the brain. As I'm the top of our class, she's second to me.

Would you believe she have the courage to tell me how much she likes me in front of the whole university.  Yeah, she has a thing for me.

"Kate." I acknowledge her name as i continue unloading my things from my car. Don't get me wrong, i like her. I do. And I'm planning to court her after i get my revenge to my brother. Yeah, my madness for my brother had gone this far. I need to teach him a lesson.

"Are you avoiding me Josh?" she asked while catching up on me while I'm walking. It's just last week that she told me she likes me. And she has known me for almost 4 years now. We've been in the same section ever since first year college.

"No, of course not." i said as i stopped to face her.

"So, can we go on a date now?" she asked.

"What? No! I mean, not now. I still have a lot of things to finish. I'm sorry."  I said referring to the thesis I'm holding right now.

"The deadline is still three month from now. What's the hurry?" Kate

 "I just want it all done." I said as i continue walking but she grabbed my arm.

"Josh, did i upset you for what I've done last week?" she asked worried.

"No! Of course not." i said as i smiled at her.

"So, why the hell are you avoiding me? Just tell me if you don't like me so i will not disturb you anymore." She said looking so pained. That is when i faced her and i held her shoulder.

"It's not that i don't like you Kate. Who the hell will not like you? It's just that relationship is not in my priority list right now. I promise that when the time comes that i think of having a girlfriend, you'll be the first one I'm going to consider." I said then i kissed her forehead.

"I should be going. I'm really busy as of the moment. See you in class." I said as i left her.


As my class for today finished i head straight to the parking lot. It's weekend tomorrow so we don't have classes and I'm obliged to go home to our house. By the way, I'm staying at a condominium that i received as a gift from my father.

When i arrived at the parking lot, i saw Ben leaning at my car as if it was his. He waved his hand upon seeing me.

"What are you doing here?" i asked blankly as i load my things at the back of my car.

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