Call me Osiris

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I still remember the first time I met Layla.

I had come home from a long day of working at the local Soup Shop and dealing with the Royal Guardsmen trying to swipe free food. The entitled pricks think that they can take food from starving monsters who need it, just because they can. It earns me a couple of hard slaps to the face, but it's worth it to see them walk out the door muttering about disrespectful saps. 

Ah, sorry. Forgot to introduce myself. My name is Osiris, and I'm a monster. 

Hey, hey, calm down, kid. Just because I'm a monster doesn't mean that I'm inherently bad. Have you calmed down? Good. Sorry about the freak-out. 

So you become familiar with your narrator, I'll tell you what I look like. 

I'm a male of Korean descent that's about 6' 3" in height. My hair is a lighter shade of black, and my eyes look "like black holes with stars in the center of them", according to my friend Layla. In more simple terms, the whites of my eyes are black, and my pupils are white. I usually wear one of my many similar hoodies with a pair of sweatpants and boots. Except when I'm working at the Soup Shop. Then I wear a white dress shirt with vertical green stripes and a pair of scrub pants that are a similar shade of green.

I have a pretty slender build and weigh in at about 90 pounds. Yes, you read that right. Not kilograms, pounds. I'm not malnourished (well, kind of. I just got out of college and I'm saddled with some godawful student debt, so I still mainly eat ramen), I just have a pretty bad sickness.

Okay, that was a lie. It's not just a sickness, it's a full-on disease. It really has no name, because it's only been in my family- for as far as I know at least, there could be a medical term for it, and hey, maybe even a doctor studying it... No. I can't get my hopes up. I mean, the damn disease is magic, and not even the most skilled medical professional can cure fuckin' magic. I'm going to die no matter what, and I can't do anything to stop it. I might as well just put a bullet in my brain and end it all, it'd be no less painful than slowly decomposing as I speak. I mean, I'm rotting alive, for god's sake! My flesh has been stripped down to the bone on my arms, and my hands are next! THE ONLY REASON I'M NOT HANGING FROM THE CEILING IS BECAUSE OF A DOG! 

Word Count: 446

(A/N: Hi there, I'm Aliese. I hope you liked the first part of my character background for Osiris. I've had my TimeTell universe in my head and in my sketchbooks for a good two years, and it feels good to have finally coughed some of it out into fruition. If you have any feedback / questions / complaints, please feel free to PM me or talk in the comments. Art is by me, Random_Derper 1. You can visit my art-based YouTube channel that has the same name. All of my socials will be by the same name to avoid confusion, both my own and that of you wonderful hoomans who are interested in my crap. Please note that I am a student and work on stuff during my limited free time and at 3 AM, so please don't be upset that I don't update often, I shockingly have a life. I promise that future A/N's will be shorter, I just wanna get stuff out here ;-; )

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2021 ⏰

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