The First Day Of The Rest Of MyLife

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It's the first day of the rest of my life at hog warts and all my parents a an talk about is how fabulous Neville is and how brave he is in Gryffindor he gets scared by a big for gods sake. All they tell me is how I should look up to my brother but really do I want to be like Neville Longbottom.

Before I start the story I should probably introduce myself, I am Vanessa Longbottom but most people call me Nessa for short. I have chestnut hair that ends at my shoulders. I am pale skinned i could be a vampire I hate the sun, but that's why they make fake tan right? The Longbottoms adopted me when I was 4 we don't know who my parents are but who knew there was a orphanage for wizards! Well children with wizard parents. Anyway let's get back to the story.

We had arrived at the platform 9 and 3/4 extra early just in case Neville decided he forgot something last minute, which he commonly does. Luckily he didn't, I don't know if that is lucky as we sat there for 2 hours before anybody started to arrive. At least mum bought us chocolate frogs form the nearby sweet shop, I was so surprised by the magic in mine it just hoped away, it was hilarious Neville told me he would get it for me and there he is running down then platform after a chocolate frog, who would have thought it. I let him keep it in the end for all of his troubles as he was rather red and I would think embarrassed too.

"How long is it going to be." I nagged, I was bored out of my skin I just wanted to meet some of the other 1st years so my nerves would settle, but of course we got there extra early so only the train workers could be seen.

"Not long nessa, Neville could tell you his choosing ceremony story again it's so funny he got up and..."

"I'm all right thanks mum," I said cutting her off mid sentence,I had already heard this story millions of time and Neville didn't look interested anyway as he had his head in his plants book and was un-aware of his surroundings." I think I will just wait."

Suddenly noise picked up at the platform as family by family came onto the platform, Neville spotted his friends and ran off to speak to them it was unreal my first year and he left me on my own with mum and dad I was not happy.

Soon enough mum and dad said they had to leave as they had to be at the ministry for a last minute meeting so I was left stood on my own. Just my look!

Neville saw my dropped face from across the platform and ran over just to drag me back to his little cult of friends. I was shocked to see the boy who lived as one of them, Neville my brother friends with Harry Potter I must be seeing things I rubbed my eyes and looked back again, he was still there.

"Sorry didn't think Neville would have any friends, never mind you haha" I said sarcastically.

Neville strained I forced laugh.

"Are you just going to stand there or are you going to introduce us." One of Nevilles friends staid she had dark curley hair, form what I had heard from Neville I guessed it just be Hermione.

"Nice to meet you I'm Vanessa but you can call me nessa." I stuck my hand out to the girl and she shook it with a smile.

"Oh yeah sorry this is my Sister Nessa Longbottom, Nessa this is Hermione," he pointed at the girl,"Ron weasley" he pointed at a ginger haired boy with sweets falling out of his pockets, "ands Harry, Harry PoTeR."

I shook hands with Ron first then Harry as our hands touched I screamed in pain. Neville stared at me with worried eyes. Harry's head glowed like mine I scar the shape of a lighting bolt, must be voldermorts mark. The scar i head on my head was just a straight lime that I had, had since a baby was now glowing like Harry's it had had never done that before but Harry didn't look surprised by his glowing like it had done it before.

I ran away in embarrassment before anyone could ask questions not that I would know that answers to them. I saw Neville explaining to them how I was adopted I saw the surprised look on their faces. Suddenly to the floor it's not a good idea to run facing the wrong way the way you are running. I sat up, the girl I ran into looked up at me.
Her hair the same ginger like Ron.

"Nice to meet you I'm Ginny, Ginny Weasley." the girl said it like I hadn't just knocked her off of her feet.

"I'm so sorry, I was... you no what it doesn't matter."

I helped her gather her things before we walked to the train. We sat in a carriage together. Until the tram bolted to the side and we had set off to Hogwarts.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2020 ⏰

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