The silent admirers

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 This week's location shooting is far from the city. But Takaki is not complaining. In fact, he is extremely thrilled with the whole trip that he hardly gets any sleep last night.

"Uwaaaa!!!! Umi da!!!!!" the tall boy yells as he excitedly looks out of the window. "This must be a reward trip!"

Inoo smiles widely at Takaki's reaction. It is well known to him -and everyone in the company- just how much Takaki loves the ocean. This man could spend the entire day talking about diving and wouldn't even mind being stranded alone at the beach. Inoo too, was looking forward for this trip.

But for another reason.

"Stop staring at him. You are making it too obvious!"

Inoo's face immediately turns red, embarrassed by Chinen's teasing him. "I'm- I'm not-urghhh!" he pulls his white hoodie and covers his face at instant.

Chinen laughs. This is not the first time he caught Inoo endearingly staring at Takaki like that.

Inoo is a quiet person. Most of the time the man will just sit at one corner of the room, observing other members chaotically mingling around. But for the past year Chinen noticed a change in Inoo's habit. He is mainly focusing on one person.

Takaki Yuya.

There is something different with the way Inoo looks at Takaki. His sleepy eyes will suddenly become bright the moment Takaki enters their dressing room. During group work too, Inoo would suddenly chuckles by himself- and that only happens when Takaki is in the room. Not to mention how Inoo's face immediately blushes every time Takaki spoke to him, even if it was just a simple 'Hello'.

Inoo is in love.

The minivan stops before they enter a parking area. Their chief director Kekeke turns around and starts distributing black blindfolds to the idols.

"We will arrive at our destination soon. Please put on this blindfold. We want to get a real surprise reaction from you."

"You know we can just pretend to be surprised right?" Takaki takes his blindfold. "We are good actors!"

"Your natural shock face is more entertaining Takaki-san," Kekeke teases.

"Yes! Everytime Yuya make silly gestures it becomes a trend on SNS! Sasuga our reaction king Takaki!" Chinen joins the tease.

"That doesn't sound sincere at all!" Takaki laughs, followed by everyone else.

"But we are at near the ocean. You must be really happy right?"

"HAITTTT!!!" Takaki grins widely, so much that his eyes become small. Excitement beams from his face.

"Yuya is in good mood today. You can bully him as much as you want Kekeke. If he gets angry we can throw him into the sea!" Chinen continues to troll.

"Oiiii!!!! Inoo is the mermaid! Throw him!" Takaki smiles at Inoo. "Gomen gomen, I'm just teasing," he unexpectedly winks at the boy.

Inoo's eyes open wide upon hearing Takaki mentioning his name. His face blushes even more at Takaki's wink. His heart is so full of joy that it could burst.

"Are you all right? Your face is red," Takaki put his left hand on Inoo's forehead. "Do you have fever?"

Inoo couldn't think straight anymore. His mind becomes blank with this little gap between him and his crush. The palpitation intensifies each second.

Chinen removes Takaki's hand from Inoo who has somewhat turned into stone. "Inoo-chan is fine. But he will die if you keep touching him."

"Eih? Doyukoto?"

The silent admirers (One Shot)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant