day 1

30 3 0

Orange/Emma's pov.

It was a great day everything was going great for a Monday and my crush Alex said he likes me today but then I woke up and was mad because that was just a dream. but I really hope stuff goes good like in the dream I get up and take a shower.after the shower I got dressed in my school uniform (in the drawing below)

"Bye mom I got to go to school I'll see you later" I said "ok bye sweetie" my mom said

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"Bye mom I got to go to school I'll see you later" I said "ok bye sweetie" my mom said.

I was running to school and when I got there I sat at my desk and listened to the teacher but suddenly the teacher said to listen closely "ok the following students listen closely Emma,Alex,Moe,Lizz,Sakura,Leo,Kat,kelly,Mackenzie,Jay,Draco you ten are going to be part of something special at the end of the day called among us I will explain more at the end of class

(Time skip)

Class was over and me and the others came at the end of the day "we already explained everything to your parents" said the teacher "but among us takes place in a space-themed setting in which players each take on one of two roles, most being Crewmates, and one of you being Impostor.The goal of the Crewmates is to identify the Impostors, eliminate them, and complete tasks around the map; the Impostor's goal is to covertly sabotage and kill the Crewmates before they complete all their tasks. Through a plurality vote, players believed to be Impostor may be executed If they are caught killing a crewmate when all tasks are completed, the Crewmates win. or if a critical sabotage goes unresolved, the Impostor win."explained the teacher we were all scared except for Moe they acted like nothing was wrong the teacher then brought us all to a strange place with a space ship and told us to get on it we got on and we were all traped in we found a spot with a bunch of space suits and a sign that says "take one" I took an orange one,Alex got a white one,Moe got a black one one,Lizz got a teal one,Sakura got a pink,Leo got purple,Kat got blue,kelly got brown,Mackenzie got lime,Jay got green,and Draco got red we also got some hats I got got a leaf,Alex got a halo,Moe got a cat hat,Lizz got a note that said "dum",Sakura got a flower,Leo got a pair of horns,Kat got a witch hat,kelly got a roll of napkins,Mackenzie got goggles,Jay got mini Jay on his head,Draco got a crown Soo we heard a loud BEEP we all ran to the door because it said to go to the door soon the door opened and we went in and we all got separated and then some text showed crewmate in front of me  then everything went black,and I saw every one again.I got a piece of paper with a long line of tasks I went to go do some tasks I saw alex doing some too he looked like he was having a hard time with swiping his card so I helped him me and him worked on a few tasks until night then we all went to separate rooms for the night I quickly fell asleep and hoped that Alex wouldn't die.

             ~TO BE CONTINUED~
I hope you guys,gals,anythings [we aren't homophobic here] enjoyed

(You can also guess who the Impostor might be but I won't say anything you have to figure it out)

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