The start

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There were always things about the house that were strange. Some could be explained. Surely there was a reason lifting a toilet lid filled the room with hot air. Any chills you felt are cold leaking through the walls. It's an old house after all. If you hear footsteps, it's just the floorboards creaking on their own. That happens all the time, after all, it's a old house. The dust has a habit of building up rather quickly. It's probably nothing to worry about.

The house mates can be strange. Leaving and arriving in the dead of night, lights glowing where they walked. One of them you would see standing somewhere, and when you look away, they are in another corner of the house. There might be secret passages. It's an old house, after all. Another never leaves their room. The only proof they lived here was the lights that shone under the door and the music that came from their room. I assure you, they are very nice once you get to know them. If you stay up late into the night, you might be able to make a new friend, the person in the room next to yours is mostly awake at night. I think you'd like them. This place attracts an odd bunch, which makes sense, after all this house is quite old.

And then there are the unwritten rules. Ignore the scratching underneath you, it can't hurt you. Don't run in the halls after sunset. Don't look at a mirror in the dark, you won't like what you see. Don't go out the back door at night. The creaking might wake them up. Don't question the blood in the sink. The ticking that surrounds you is normal, but don't acknowledge it. It does terrible things when it realizes it is known. If you feel a pinch on your skin, check immediately. Always tap the counter three times when you walk past it. I'm sure you can follow these very easily. Just remember that this house is old, there might be other rules we need to follow.

It's nice here. The shadows are my friends. We talk sometimes. The creatures that live in the ceiling are very kind and considerate. The monster under my bed wakes me up in the morning. The mirrors are nice in the daytime. The floors are amazing to slide on. While I am very happy here, I can understand why some wouldn't want to live here.

It's an old house, after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2020 ⏰

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