Chapter 1

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Chris has been coming to the bar two nights a week for the last year. Since he got his heart broken. Being the kind and understanding bar tender that you were, you would listen to him when he talked about her, give him advice about moving on and when he learned that you had broken up with your shifty musician boyfriend he practically quoted your own advice back to you. “Well it’s nice to know that you listen,” you mused clearing the bar in front of you. Actually the two of you had become very close over the last year and were able to talk about anything with each other. Your friendship with Chris was the only relationship in your life where you could be completely open and honest. And Chris felt the same way apparently, having told you enough times when inebriated AND a few times when sober. You’d probably say that Chris is your best friend right now. “I can’t turn up to the wedding alone, my mum is worried about me not finding a nice girl and not having a relationship. I mean it’s been like a year since I’ve had a serious relationship and there’s no way I’m taking a fling to a family wedding.” His cousin was getting married this weekend and the friend he was supposed to take had just bailed on him. “Where’s the wedding?” You ask as you slide on down another scotch on the rocks. “In Houston, but because I haven’t seen mum and dad for a while I was planning to stay the whole weekend.” He explains taking a swig of his drink and slumping over the bar. “I’ll go with you.” You offer cheerily, you had the weekend off from work anyway and it was uni holidays. You had nothing to do, may as well help the guy out if you can. “Y/N, are you serious? I couldn’t ask that of you though, you’ve probably got plans, right?” Hmmmm nope no plans, would have been just another boring weekend spent in your apartment with your kinda psycho housemate. You’d have way more fun with Chris in Houston. “Well I’ve never been to Houston.” You replied and Chris nearly jumped over the bar to hug you. “Thanks so so so much Y/N, I don’t think I could have handled this weekend by myself.” And that was it. Plans made. You were flying out on Friday and he would come pick you up at your apartment in the morning. 

There was only one thing worrying you. How on earth could you keep your feelings a secret from Chris if you were going to spend a whole weekend together? At a wedding of all things!

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