Lemon Flavor - By Khi

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Norman was asked to get Emma's bag in the class room.

"Happy 15th birthday Norman!"

Ray and Everyone in Norman's class shouted as Norman opened the door. It was after school and Emma and Ray conducted a surprise birthday party with everyone at school for Norman.

"Happy birthday!" Emma jumped up from behind and put a party hat on him. "Did we surprise you this year?"

"Emma, everyone," Norman wasn't easily surprised but he sure was today. He had expected a party at home, but not at school. "You did surprise me gvvcvdfcff!"

"The underclass men also came to help out and join the fun." Ray said.

"The principal also let us invite some of our friends that aren't from the school too!" Emma said as she pointed to Phil, Sherry, Conny, and all the other younger friends that they had.

"We made different types of French parfait!" Anna, one of the underclass men said.

Norman chuckled, "why parfaits?" Not that they were bad, it's just that you would have cake at a birthday. Another thing to add to the shock list.

"We figured that not all people liked the same thing as you Norman, so we made a couple different flavors." Gilda said.

"And partially because we didn't have the money to buy a lot of cake." Don added.

"But we also wanted to make the food ourselves!" Phil jumped excitedly.

"It turned out pretty well!" Anna said placing down some parfait at the tables. The desk were all aligned to form a big rectangle.

Emma guided Norman to sit down and a parfait was placed in front of him.

"Vanilla, just how you like it!" Emma said smiling and holding two thumbs up.

Norman smiled back. Not only did he spend is birthday with his close friends (he could almost call them family), but he also was spending his birthday with all of his classmates that he met during the start of the school.

Everyone was chatting and having fun. Emma was next to him, taking to Ray across from them. Gilda was setting up the presents that everyone had brought onto a different table, and Don was laughing with Nat, Lannion, and Thoma. Phil and Sherry were playing with Naila, Jemina, Dominic and Conny.

Norman, Emma, and Ray's classmates were next to them at the table talking with each other as well. Norman was lost in his thoughts, no words could express how happy he was.

*Piffffff* Emma blew a party noisemaker next to Norman and the streamers flailed near his cheek.

"Norman, are you having a good time?" Emma asked.

"Yeah!" Norman said.

"Mission success!" Emma pumped her fists into the air.

"Emma was the one who planned it this year, not me." Ray said. "She was pretty excited for the past week. I'm not sure how you didn't notice that." He spooned some of his chocolate parfait into his mouth.

"I guess I never noticed because she always looks happy." Norman said as he looked at Emma. "Because that's what we're used to, the happy Emma we all know and love!"

"Emma really has the advantage here when planning parties." Ray said.

Norman chuckled, "Yeah, she really does!"




"Hey, guys!" A girl came up to the trio.

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