the strong words of a seven year old

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i was playing in my room; it was small with a window by the back wall an air mattress, white wardrobe and boxes full of toys. my mum walks into my bedroom and says i am so sorry but grandad roger has died because of his heart disease. back story on grandad roger, i am not actually related to him. he is my mums step father. he was so wise and my grandma could not cope without him he always gave me a biscuit that he stashed in his black backpack. i would always come to the hospital seeing him like this did not bother me because i was 7 lol. (now it's been 6 years since he died) i balled my eyes out into my mothers chest.

next sunday i went to see my dad, we went to croydon and we were walking around until 3 pm then we got to the market he started shouting at me swearing his arse off "your so fucking stupid" "i hate to call you my daughter you bitch" stuff like that i ran off into a shop a lady came up to me and just stared i was in tears, eyes red. someone came up to my dad and started shouting at him, he grabbed my wrist so tight and barged through the crowd and slapped me across my face.
i went home. said nothing i was looking outside my window dead scared. i did not say anything. silent. no words. cried myself to sleep.

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