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Ahsoka Tano waited inside her cell. She had always imagined she would have perished on the battlefield, but never like this. Now, she was counting the minutes for death to come.

What's more terrifying than dying? Knowing exactly how it is going to happen.

Accused of bombing her own home, killing Leta Turmond, traitor of the Republic, stripped from her Padawan rank, all of those things were false, but no one believed her. Didn't all the lives she saved proved that she wasn't capable of doing such things? But why would they listen to her? No one ever did.

She had worked so hard to prove herself, and in the end, none of it mattered. One tiny mistake and you go from being a hero to a villain.

At least she didn't go down silently. She had saved lives, freed planets, protected those who couldn't defend themselves. She wouldn't have traded it for anything.

Proving her innocence ended in a big mess, but hey, at least she tried.

The Court had found her guilty by a unanimous decision. That was like a punch in the gut to Ahsoka. She had befriended some of the Senators present at her trial, but apparently, it didn't matter if they used to be her friends. The Jedi Order didn't even doubt that she was the mastermind, so she shouldn't be surprised.

The last thing Ahsoka said to Padmé was thank you as she was dragged away by the clones. She tried to put on a brave face, but tears threatened to appear as Padmé cried silently and nodded in understanding. She and Anakin were the only ones to believe her. It wasn't their fault that she was going to be executed; they had done everything they could.


Ahsoka wished she could have at least said goodbye. Her Master had done more than she could have ever asked for. He stood by her until the end, and she would be forever grateful for that. He taught her and offered guidance when she needed it, and he understood what other Jedi wouldn't. He was like her brother. The Jedi Council deemed him reckless and unbalanced, but for her, he was the Chosen One the Galaxy needed. She never saw him again after he left to find Ventress. She wondered if he had heard the news by now.

Ahsoka would never forgive the Jedi Council, but they would always be a part of her life. The only one exempt was Obi-Wan because she knew he disagreed with the Council's decision. Ahsoka still cared for Plo Koon, but she didn't respect him anymore. Why had it ended like this?

"It's time, traitor. Get up," a clone commanded harshly.

Ahsoka didn't bother to fight as they put the restraints on her and led her to her execution. As she walked through the corridor, Ahsoka contemplated all the things she could have done, but she didn't have many regrets. A recollection flashed through her memory: the day she became Anakin's Padawan. With that happy memory replaying in her mind, she peacefully advanced to her death.

"You're reckless, little one. You never would have made it as Obi-Wan's Padawan."

Ahsoka got on her knees as the clone commanded; she could feel the gun touching the back of her head. This was it. This was the end.

"But you might make it as mine."

Ahsoka Tano smiled for the last time and closed her eyes, welcoming death like an old friend. The last thing she heard was a blaster firing and a familiar voice shouting: "She didn't do it!" There was a brief flash of pain, and then darkness took over.

And Ahsoka Tano was no more.   


Totally not crying...

Autrixielle told you I would make you cry *evil laughter*

Let the games begin 😈

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