seeing you cry for the first time.

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* this past week has been stressful.
* You felt sad and frustrated for no reason.
* You felt lonely even though you had yoongi.
* It was a Friday and you and yoongi was just sitting down on the couch.
* You was feeling down and upset.
* "Y/n are you okay" he asked slowly moving closer to you.
* "Yeah I'm just tired that's all" you said.
* "Hmm" he said coming closer to you.
* He laid down next to you and cuddled you with his head on your chest.
* "Yoongi please get off me, I'm not in the mood" you said pushing him away.
* Yoongi moved away from you.
* "Are you sure you are okay?" He asked softly
* "I'm fine don't worry, I'm just tired" you said repeating yourself.
* "I'm off to bed" you said while standing up.
* Yoongi looked at you with his concerned eyes.
* He stood up and followed you.
* "Yoongi, please just leave me alone, I want some free time so I can be alone" you said Turing around while looking at his concerned face.
* "Y/n I know you are not okay" he said holding your hand.
* You couldn't hold your emotions anymore.
* You bursted into tears with your hands covering your face.
* Yoongi pulled you into a hug and gave your head a soft kiss.
* "Awh baby, what's wrong" he said still hugging you.
* You stayed silent
* Crying made it hard to talk.
* Yoongi held your hand and walked you upstairs.
* You both sat on the bed.
* "Y/n what's wrong, you can tell me you know" he said with his hand gently stroking your leg as a way of comforting you
* "I have just been feeling like shit lately and I don't know the reason why" you said with tears rolling down your cheeks while looking at yoongis blurred face from your eyes drowning in tears.
* Yoongi put his hand on your face and wiped your tears away.
* "It's okay to feel like shit sometimes, everyone has good days and bad days, how would you know what a good day was if you didn't have a bad one" he said
* You cried even more.
* "It's okay to cry, let it all out" he said
* You hugged him and cried on his shoulder.
* "Y/n please don't hide your feelings from me, because then I can't help you" he said still hugging you.
* "I just don't want to pile my problems on you because I don't want you to worry about me" you said letting go of the hug.
* "Y/n I'm your boyfriend, of course I will worry about you, I would rather have you tell me your problems than keep them to yourself, because sometimes problems become worse if you don't tell anyone" he said holding both of your hands.
* "Everything will be okay" he said kissing your lips delicately.
* Yoongi's words reassured you.
* You always felt embarrassed when you cried, that's why you never cried in front of yoongi.
* "And whenever you need to cry, just cry, you'll feel better once you have let your emotions out" he said while moving your hair behind your ear.
* "Wait here, I just got to do something real quick" he said walking out of the bedroom.
* Yoongi's advice helped you a lot
* You kind of felt stupid by not telling him your problems earlier.
* It felt like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders.
* Before, you felt heavy and tense, and you felt like something was weighing you down, But now you feel light and relaxed.
* 10 minutes past.
* "Y/n I'm in the bathroom, come in" he said.
* You walked into the bathroom.
* You saw the bath filled with bubbles.
* The room was  lit up with candles, and there was flower petals in the bath.
* The smell of lavender made you feel relaxed.
* You could hear the relaxing playlist being played on the speaker.
* The bubbles reflected the light of the candles onto the bathroom wall.
* Yoongi smiled at you.
* "Now you can relax properly" he said handing you a glass of wine.
* He kissed you tenderly.
* "Now get undressed and enjoy this bath while I go downstairs and cook you a nice meal" he said while giving you 2 soft white towels.
* Yoongi left the room.
* You admired the room for a solid 5 minutes.
* You got undressed and lowered yourself into the hot, steamy bath.
* You drank your wine and stayed in the bath until every single bubble popped.
* You was so thankful to have yoongi.
hey i hope you enjoyed this one shot! i really like this one tbh, also, if any of you guys feel like venting, pls vent in the comments and i'll help you! 💜 you're loved and you're valid, please don't ever forget that!
-S <3

seeing you cry for the first time - yoongi x reader one shot Where stories live. Discover now