how this is going to work

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Hello! All of these ideas are products of my lil brain, so if one of them is similar/the same as something that has already been written or posted please tell me so i can delete that part, I would hate to be "copying" someone else.

All of these ideas are written in boyxboy format because that's what I'm used to writing & reading. you may not like the ship that I have picked out for that story but that's totally okay!you can change the ship if you want, just please, please, please don't turn these into hetero fics. That's my #1 rule.

How this is gonna work;

1) if you want a story, comment on that part or message me about it. This will be first come first serve, meaning whoever comments or messages me first about it gets that story.

2) the story can be as long as you want it to be, I don't care. That's up to you, bud.

3) payment is required. it's nothing too crazy, i just want credit when you post the story, you must be following me, & maybe a vote on one of my other stories, or anything else you want to use as payment, just ask me first.

4) if you do get permission to use one of my ideas please care for it, these little ideas are like my little babies and i would really hate for them to be abandoned or forgotten about. (that sounded a lot less creepy in my head)

if there isn't at least a prologue written for it within a week of you having that idea, I'll put it back up for sale.

5) if a story is sold, it's sold. sorry bud.

6) if you want to change the title I'm 100% fine with that, but you must let me know.

7) there is a limited number of ideas you're allowed to have, I will not let you take them all bc that's unfair to everyone else.

8) if you take one of these ideas without my permission i will block & report you on every social media possible (◡‿◡✿)

let the writing begin (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

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