Chapter 1: Welcome to the Harriet's

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I opened my eyes to the bright sunlight peeping through my window. I sat up in my comfortable bed with my blankeys at my hips. I rub my eyes to get the morning gunk out of my eyesight.

The saturday morning was so far peaceful with barely any noise outside. Birds were chirping, and cars were passing by to get their early morning coffee from a muggle shop we call "Dunkin Donuts" Since it's a month and some days away from Christmas, everyone wants to try the Peppermint Chocolate drink. Even I do, but I haven't got the time.

"Good morning world.." I said as I yawned and stretched. My warm pjs snuggled me tightly as I moved my arms in the air. I leaned over to my white and silver nightstand and put on my diamond earrings, and silver necklace with a silver butterfly in the middle.

The butterfly is my favorite piece of jewelry. Grandma Alinda gave me when I was young. She sadly passed away, but I will always cherish the memories with her.

I took a quick glance in my white and pastel pink vanity mirror to see my soft clear skin and my brunette hair in a messy bun. I decided to stay comfortable for the morning with my messy hair, and comfy pjs.

I walked downstairs into the kitchen where my father was in a business suite drinking his morning coffee while scrolling on his phone. My mother was in her formal wear doing dishes, passing time before she had work.

"Goodmorning Sage." Mother said, kissing my forehead. I looked over to the kitchen mirror to see her light pink lipstick leaving a stain. I quickly rubbed it off with my pajamas sleeve and said good morning back.

There was morning cereal already placed on the dinning table so I poured some milk and cereal into a bowl. As I scooped my cereal my parents looked at each other, not saying anything. Mother had finished cleaning the dishes and sat across from me.

Usually mom and dad would be loud laughing or talking about business. Today they were extra quiet. I wiped the milk off my upper lip and cleared my throat.

" there a reason you two are so quiet?" I asked continuing to eat.

Mother shook her head. "No dear, we're just a little..tired."

Father nodded in agreement and sipped his coffee. "Would you look at the time!" He said after some silence, looking at his watch.

"Darling you dont want to be late for work." He told mother, grabbing his laptop.

Father piped up from his seat and kissed my forehead. His breath smelled like hot coffee mixed with toothpaste. "Have a good day dad." I said as he headed out the door.

Mom quickly followed after him. "Sage remember to feed the dog!" She said before locking the front door.

"Okay mom!" I yelled back. It was only 8 in the morning so I went on my phone to see what was up with my friends.

Background Info

I am Sage Harriet, a 16 year old half-blood.

My father is muggle born, and my mom isn't. Im lucky to not be a muggle. If I was muggle born, I wouldn't have my magic powers, or I wouldn't have gone to Hogwarts. Sadly, my mother is a halfblood so we have to live in the muggle world.

I've gone to hogwarts for 5 years now, I just started my 5th year and I and the rest if Hogwarts is taking break because of a disease spreading in the wizarding world. We're supposed to go back to class three weeks after Christmas and clas will fill in time through summer break.

I'm in gryffindor like my bestfriends Neville and Ginny. Neville and I have been friends ever since 1st year.

He sat next to me on the train and started talking about his toad. Ar first I wasn't interested until he fully showed me the little guy. Then we kept talking, found out we were in the same house, and stayed bestfriends ever since.

Neville and I met Ginny in 2nd year when she sat near us in the great hall. Her siblings were all talking with their friends and she had no one else to talk to, so Neville and I did. We laughed, and had a good time.

Then we kept talking with her when we went back to the common rooms, we had loads in common so we stayed as friends.

Even our parents/guardian (Neville's grandma) are good friends and they stay in contact even when we're out of Hogwarts.

Fun fact about my parents is that they are wealthy with lots of money. My father works as a doctor in the muggle world, my mother works with potions and travels with other families like the Malfoy's and the Weasley's.

Mother says the Weasley's are much more pleasant when having fun, but the Malfoy's are good at being serious.
I've met the Malfoy's before, they aren't very friendly and easy to talk to. Their son Draco is a cocky idiot, but whatever.

Back to present time.


As I was finishing up my cereal, I got a notification from Neville on my phone. Neville sent a picture of him holding his frog. I replied back with a picture of my muggle dog, Barney.

Barney is a white pitbull with black spots all over him. I set my phone down on the table and gave Barney head scratches repeating "Who's a good boy?" In a high pitched voice.


Another message but from Ginny in the group chat. Barney ran off and I opened the message. There was a picture of Fred and George hugging Ginny. Ginny was smiling with a wide grin. The caption on the photo said,"I'm being attacked"

I chuckled at the photo seeing the twins squeezing the life out of her. If I had siblings I'd imagine them just like Fred and George. Goofy, tricksters, sweet, caring.

The rest of the day continued like that, Neville, Ginny and I talking and having fun. I also did some house chores, went for a walk outside with Barney, and fed him some treats for being a good boy.

Later in the day, mother and father came home shortly before dinner. Mother was carrying groceries, and father was coming home with his laptop.

"Hello beautiful." Mother said, setting the groceries on the dinning table.

"Afternoon mother. Good day at the wizarding of spells house?" I asked curiously.

"Yes actually, I had a good day teaching potions, and learning new mixtures." Mother said proudly. She started putting all the food away for dinner, leaving a bowl of green apples in the middle of the dinning table.

I popped a green apple in my mouth, it was sweet, sour, and soft. "These apples are really good mother. Where'd you get them?" I asked in slight shock of how wonderful they were.

"I actually made them myself dear. It's a potion I came up with. I'll teach you it later after dinner." She said pulling out a cutting board, then chopping red onions.

Father made his way by me, greeted me then passed by mother whispering in her ear. Mother nodded and whispered something back. He nodded then wandered away to his office to catch up on work.

Mother looked at me forming her mouth to look like she was about to say something. She then closed her mouth and continued chopping. "So darling, apple bee." She said using my old nickname.

"Yes mother?" I said finishing up my apple, throwing the core in the trash.

Her face shifted into a worrisome look as she said, "You know that Malfoy boy, correct?"

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