Peter In A Christmas Carol

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Narrative: When Peter loses his holiday spirit, three ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future takes him on a reflective journey through time to remind him what the true meaning of Christmas is about.

A/N: I broke this story into three parts, so more updates to come.


Midway through winter's serenade, seasonal times approached. The afternoon's orange hue began to darken as evening fell upon one corner of the world like a blanket. And all through the city of Queens, New York, was merrymaking and joy—along with its occasional hustle and bustle.

The howling wind danced around with more poise than a ballerina performing their grand finale for all to view. Most of the trees laid bare as their leaves had completely shed off, but they still stood proud in their brown skin. And the pine trees replaced in their glory were more captivating than ever before with their deep, rich green skirt that swayed along to the rhythm of the cold dance. The streets and buildings themselves crowded with people rushing to finish off last minute shopping or retreating back to their homes to hibernate and rest for the jolly day ahead and all the activities they would participate in with either fellow friends or family.

The warmth and excitement of Christmas Eve submerged all as children of many ages beamed happily, and the adults and elderly were relieved to finally relax from all the work they've put their blood, sweat, and tears into. Although, some were less fortunate knowing they'd still have to continue their labor, but they wouldn't have to stress a whole day's schedule. And while not everyone enjoyed trading the summer's fun to don their winter coats, the holidays' call brought all to genuflect, welcoming its crisp greeting.

Well... almost everyone.

Trudging through the city's sidewalks and squeezing past an endless sea of grinning faces, Peter Parker remained neutral and truly not desiring the Christmas cheer. When the crosswalk signaled for him to proceed, he went as fast as he could to avoid listening to the chattering of plans for the upcoming event. Though it was quite difficult to do so when he had super senses making him hear everything around him.

From the the fake Santa Clauses ringing bells and asking for people to drop in a dollar or two inside a box that may be sent to a donation or straight into their pockets; to the sounds of little kids listing to their parents what they'd wish Santa to bring them as the adults hummed along to every word; and even the noise of cars honking at each other to hurry on up so they could arrive to their awaited destination; but what irritated him most was the sound of Yuletide carols from a small choir that was prepping next to a shop playing Nat King Cole's The Christmas Song.

As if it wasn't enough for one song of Christmas time to play, they just had to practice singing more festive tunes to constantly remind everyone that the day was nearing. Still, Peter chose to ignore it.

While he could avoid everything that wreaked of the holiday spirit, he couldn't deny winter's arrival as nature breathed out an icy breeze to let it nip viciously at his ear—painting a red hue from it and over the lightly tan color of his cheeks, until the other ear became just as tinted. The chilled air managed to seep through the crevices of his clothing, despite being heavily bundled, creating a chill down his spine. And every breath turned into pure clouds of vapour.

He found himself stepping on small puddles left from yesterday's rain every now and then, and over a few that had already solidified.

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