chapter 1

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Finally she was free.

Tsunade was ecstatic. Because, finally she got rid off all the paperworks. Not that the paperworks were finished but at least she didn't have to do it anymore. It's Kakashi's work now, he can suck it.

To celebrate her new found freedom she invited the rookie 9, their sensei and team guy to drink with her.

She was currently heading towards the bar with Shizune following her with their pet pig Tonton. She could see  all the invited people were already waiting for them except from Kakashi, Guy and Naruto, in front of the chosen place, which was a new version of Yakiniku Q.
Sakura was the first to notice her though.
"Ahh Tsunade sama you are here," she called out from where she was standing talking with Ino, and everyone's attention was now on her.
"Ahh good most of you are here. Let's head in, i heard they have good sake and private rooms. Let's get wasted," she cheered with too much enthusiasm.
Everyone just sweat dropped seeing her over flowing energy .
Shikamaru just muttered about how troublesome all of this was going to be.

Its been two years since the war ended. And its truly been long since all of them gathered in one place to celebrate something, the last time they were all together in one place was the funeral after the war. Which was not a place for celebration even though they had won.

They entered the bar and followed the owner who was showing them to their private room, which was reserved beforehand by Shizune.
The room was big with a table in the middle with green-seated booths and the tables had charcoal brazier built in the center and was equipped with the tongs for barbeque. They had zabutan for their seats.

At the very end of the table sat Shino beside him Choji then Shikamaru,Sai,Lee,Kiba and Akamaru was seated beside Kiba on the floor. On Their opposite side in front of Shino was Tsunade beside her Shizune then Sakura,Ino,Hinata,Tenten and Kurenai.

After they all were settled Tsunade ordered food and a heck lot of sake. After a while of chatting and catching up with each other the door opened and entered Guy in a wheelchair that was being  pushed by Kakashi.
Kakashi greeted them with his usual closed eye smile and a 'yo'.
"You are late sensei," Sakura yelled from her seat.
Kakashi settled beside Kiba after fixing Guys chair. 

"maa Sakura chan I am not the only one late," Kakashi said after scanning the room. "where is Naruto?"he asked.

"Now that you mentioned, where is he?" Tsunade asked.
"Umm i don't know. The last i saw him was almost two weeks ago probably," Sakura replied.

"Hinata you must have talk to him right?" Ino nudged Hinata with a mischievous smile.
Everyone looked at Hinata questioningly.
Hinata blushed under their stare, "umm no, i haven't seen him in weeks." she replied timidly while poking her index finger together.
"Huh even Hinata didn't see him, that's a little worrisome, " it was Kiba who said that.
"I am sure Naruto is on some mission enjoying his youth," Guy roared making everyone wince at the volume.
"You must be right guy sensei. yoshh i Won't lose to Naruto kun for that i must do five thousand push ups," Lee yelled.

They were going to continue their yelling to everyone's horror but luckily they served food and sake exact that moment to stop them.

They started to chat about various thing and enjoyed their gathering. When they were halfway through their food Tsunade slammed her sake cup loud on the table. Everyone quieted down and looked at her questioningly.

She took out a seal and dangled it in front of them with a skewed grin.
"Tsunade sama, what is that seal?" Kurenai asked for everyone.

"It was one of Jiraiya's useless seal," she replied.

"What does it do?" asked Tenten,being interested in the new seal.

"Hehehe it will help us eavesdrop, " she replied with a wicked smile.

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