The Phantom Troupe And The Brother

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Third Person

Kiuna just finished rewatching Hunter X Hunter for the third time in a row.

It was in the middle of the summer, and her parents were on a trip for about 2 weeks in Hawaii.

They wanted her to come, but she refused.

She hated the sun and the beach, and those were the two things that described the island perfectly.

I just love these! ''Hmmmmm, who is the best male character?' She thought to herself.

"Chrollo!" She said after a couple of minutes lost in thought. 'He would be the perfect boyfriend!'

She said dreamily. "He is funny, smart, hot, and he is so strong!"

She said, checking off the list on her fingers.

"Hmmmmm.. I guess the second would be a tie between Hisoka and Feitan......"

"Hisoka is cheeky, but strong. He also has superhuman abilities.

And Feitan is so fast that if he ran down the street, I wouldn't even be able to see him!"

She turned off her TV, and prepared for bed.

She took a shower first then put on her pajamas.

Her pajamas were a black over length shirt and some short leggings that could barely be seen underneath it.

She brushed her teeth, put her hair in braids, and went to bed.

She texted her mom night, and closed her eyes.

"Chrollo, Feitan, and Hisoka." She sang softly, falling asleep.

In the middle of the night she woke up. "What was that?" She said sleepily.

Then she heard a voice. "Kiro!" Someone yelled from the kitchen of her 2-story house.

Thank god she didn't sleep downstairs tonight. She quickly leapt of of her bed making a thump.

She froze. "Kiuna!I know you're here!" Said the voice. "Come downstairs or we will come to you!"

That voice sounded oddly familiar to her. "Who is it?" She whispers to herself.

"Kiuna. I know you know who we are!" Then it hit her: that was Chrollo's voice.

"Chrollo?" She called down weakly to him. Opening her door.

"Boss, why did we come here for her?" Another familiar voice said.

"Feitan?" She questioned. She heard him say,"Boss how does she know my name?"

He ignored him. "Kiuna come down now or we will come up!" He shouted up the stairs.

"ok, I'm coming.... But are you going to kill me?" There was silence downstairs.

"If we were, would you be able to stop us?" Chrollo asked.

"No, I guess not." She said, giving in and going downstairs.

Her eyes widened at the sight of them.

She glanced at them all and said,"Chrollo-san, why are you here?

More importantly, HOW are you guys here. You are all fictional, made up characters!" she screamed.

Everyone looked at Chrollo, waiting for him to give a answer. Chrollo started laughing.

"What's so funny?" She asked, pouting. He stopped laughing.

Smiling, he answered," You respect me." "Yes, and why is that so funny?"

All of the other troupe members laughed at this.

The Spider Calls (Chrollo x Girl x Spider Characters x Additional Characters)Where stories live. Discover now