Sanzo/Goku - Modern AU

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Genjo Residence

1:35 p.m.

"Man, I'm hungry..."  Goku exclaimed while holding his growling stomach. "Hey Sanzo, when do you think Hakkai and Gojyo will be back with lunch? They've been out for at least 30 minutes now!" Sanzo who was sitting across from Goku put down his newspaper and walked over to him. "I'm sure there's a good reason as to why they're taking so long. Just be patient, okay?" he ruffled the brunette's hair. "Hnggg...okay.." Goku pouted.

Sanzo stood near the closest window as he lit his cigarette. "Damn it, I should have told those two to buy me more Marlboro cigarettes." He mumbles looking at his pack of cigarettes noticing that only two remain. Goku stares at the floor in a daze. "I'm so bored." Goku groans. "Why don't you entertain yourself by watching tv or something?" Goku's face suddenly lights up. "You're right Sanzo! There's bound to be something good on tv right now!" Goku dashed to the living room in search of the tv remote control. He looked on the table where it usually was but it wasn't there. 

"Sanzo, where is the remote??!" He shouted to Sanzo who was still smoking in the dining room. "How the hell am I supposed to know where the remote is." He scolded walking into the living room. "Moreover, how do you lose something like that idiot." Goku exploded. "Nuh-uh! I didn't lose it! Gojyo had it last, I know because I saw him watching some weird adult program before him and Hakkai left." There was a moment of silence between the two of them. Sanzo didn't feel up to spending his time searching for a remote but he knew that watching tv was something that made Goku exceptionally happy. He cared about Goku a lot and whenever he was happy it would rub off on him as well. Although, he would never say that out loud. "Fine. I'll help you search for the remote." Sanzo sighed.

After the both of them spent eight minutes tossing sofa cushions, moving things around and searching all the rooms top to bottom they were finally able to find the remote that had been hidden in Gojyo's bedroom. "That dumb water sprite, why does he think that he can just hog the remote all for himself?" Goku growled. "Whatever, all that matters is that we found it. Let's go watch tv." After fixing up the house from the mess that they made trying to find the remote Goku and Sanzo sat down on the living room sofa. Goku turned on the television and started flipping through the channels for something interesting to watch. He suddenly started coughing, Sanzo's cigarette was too strong a smell for him. "Ugh, get rid of that cigarette!" He complained pinching his nose. "It smells so bad!" Sanzo reached to take the cigarette out of his mouth. "You're so dramatic." He reached over and put the cigarette out in the ashtray on the table. Goku decided on watching a documentary. The documentary was about Japan's Meiji Period.

Not even 40 minutes into the documentary and Goku is sound asleep, laying his head on Sanzo's lap. Sanzo pokes the sleeping boy's cheek. "Hey, monkey boy, are you actually asleep..?" He didn't get a response, just more snoring. Sanzo stares at Goku for a few seconds. He looks so peaceful when he's sleeping... Sanzo gives a soft smile. He picks up Goku and carries him on his back all the way down the hallway to Goku's bedroom where he then tucks Goku in to enjoy the rest of his nap. "Get all the rest you need, okay?" Sanzo whispers before turning off the bedroom lights. He heads back into the living room and picks up a book from the bookshelf that he had been reading for a couple of days now. Opening up the book to the page marked off by his bookmark he takes a seat on the sofa and indulging himself in the book and continues to read from his last spot.

3:48 p.m.

Sanzo, who is now half-way through his book, hears the front door unlock. "Yooo! Hey guys, we're back!!" Gojyo shouts with excitement as he bursts through the front door, him and Hakkai both holding bags of take-out food amongst quite a few shopping bags. "Be quiet, Goku is in the back sleeping." Gojyo chuckles rubbing the back of his head. "Whoops, sorry about that." Hakkai and Gojyo rest the bags of food down on the dining room table. Sanzo turns to Hakkai. "What in the hell took you guys so long? It's not rocket science to get some food and come back." Hakkai laughs nervously. "Well you see, Gojyo and I kind of got distracted. There was this new mall that opened today not too far from here and everything was fifty percent off in celebration of it's grand opening so we thought that we'd take a look around and long story short we ended up buying a ton of clothes..! We even bought clothes for you and Goku too!" Hakkai handed Sanzo the bag with his clothes in it. "Yeah, and speaking off which. Shouldn't someone go and wake that brat up?" Gojyo walked over to them. "Oh that's right, the food is here now." said Sanzo. "So then, who's going to wake him up-." Hakkai began to ask before he was cut off by Goku running into the dining room shouting. "I smell food! I smell food!" Goku jumped up and down bursting with joy. "Which one is mine huh !?" he asked Hakkai. Hakkai handed his food to him. "Here you go!" he said in a cheerful tone. 

They all took their seats around the dining table. The room overlapping with chatter about each others' day. Everyone smiling and catching up with one another before eating their now late lunch. "Man, it sounds like everyone had quite a day huh?" Hakkai teases. "Yep, sure seems that way!" Gojyo laughs. "Yes well, at least you guys didn't have to be stuck in the house with this stupid monkey over here." Sanzo says pointing at Goku. "I can do with the stupid part, thank you very much!" Goku responds. Laugher from everybody in the room filled the air. "Haha, anyways everyone let's eat our food now, okay?" Hakkai smiled. "Alright, finally!" Goku shouted.

"Thank you for the food!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2021 ⏰

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