friends? or lovers

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~Start of flashback~

(They're 14 years old btw also the little flashback is inspired by a oneshot I read, I cant remember who wrote it but credits to them)

"Ok Dazai I give up! where are you!" the ginger said frantically looking for his brunette friend as they were playing hide and seek in the mafia headquarters. It was a long day so after work everyone had already gone home after a long day of work. The only people that were still at the Mafia headquarters were Kouyou, chuuya's mother, and Mori, Dazai's father. They were getting some final touches done for a plan they had to make to assassinate a target. So chuuya and dazai where doing their usual at the Mafia when their parents stayed at work late, playing hide and seek. "Come on Dazai I already said I give up!" the ginger repeated again, his friend still not coming out from his hiding spot. Chuuya was always really bad at finding dazai, actually, no, he was extremely bad at finding dazai. So bad that he never actually found him. The brunette was just too good at hiding and would never reveal to chuuya his secrets.

"Awww chibi always gives up so easily~" dazai said In a fake saddened voice, coming out from behind chuuya out of thin air. "The hell idiot where the heck did you come from!" the ginger said trying to tackle dazai to the ground, but miserably fails as dazai dodges it. "That's a secret~" dazai replied back with a slight smile on his face. "Whatever, you already know I'm never gonna find you!" chuuya said slightly looking away from dazai with a cute pout. "But now...It's time for my reward chuuya~" dazai said, now a big smirk plastered on his face. Chuuya made a large gulp as he knew what was about to happen. Dazai always did this to him, every time he couldn't find him, dazai had to get his reward. "N-No no please dazai" the ginger pleaded to his 'friend' not wanting what was going to happen, happen. Dazai, still a smirk on his face, just shook his head as a sign of denying chuuya's words. "Nah uh chuuya if I want my reward I will get it~" the brunette said with half of his face being covered by a shadow, a smirk still present on his face.

Dazai suddenly pinned chuuya to the wall, as a result, chuuya let out a small yelp. "Your all mine chuuya~" the brunette said with lustful eyes. When suddenly dazai smacked his lips against chuuya's, taking the smaller by surprise, but eventually kissing back sloppily trying to catch dazai's pace. "D-Dazai that's enough' chuuya said, still taken aback by dazai's actions. "No. I. Want. More." dazai replied back, full possessiveness in his tone of voice. Dazai once again kissed chuuya. This time less sloppily and more of a pace chuuya could catch up with.

~end of flashback~

They were both now in their first year of highschool, both of them close as ever. It was their first day though, so they didn't really know anyone there other then themselves or other people who they didn't really talk to back in middle school. "Oh, hi chuuya and dazai!" someone said from behind them as they were both walking to school early in the morning. "Oh, hey atsushi how was your summer break" chuuya replied back happily, as dazai just walked besides chuuya looking at the both of them converse. "It was fun! I hung out a lot with my frie-" atsushi suddenly stopped his sentence midway as he saw a certain someone waiting for him in the corner of the street. "Oops sorry I gotta go, I promised my friend I was gonna walk with him to school everyday" atsushi said now with a nervous face.. "Are you sure he isn't your boyfriend" dazai said in a teasing manner, smirking at atsushi. Atsushi's face then turned a bright red, as he nervously stammered, "W-W-What no of course not!" he then walked away shouting at the black hair and white tipped haired boy standing in the corner. "Haha your so rude you waste of bandages!" chuuya said trying to sound mean at dazai but failed as he was laughing out loud at atsushi's reaction.

Dazai thought chuuya's laugh was adorable and gave him a heartwarming smile without him noticing. Both of them then arrived at school just in time for their first period, which they both had together. In fact, they had most classes together except P.E, History, and Art. "You stupid mackerel! If you hadn't stopped at the stupid grocery store to buy the breakfast you forgot we wouldn't have arrived 1 second before class!" chuuya screamed to dazai both of them barging in their classroom. "Eh whatever we're here now so it doesn't matter" dazai said casually as they both took their seats next to eachother in the back of the class. As class started chuuya was paying attention to the front of the class, but dazai was only paying attention to chuuya, who was right beside him. The brunette got bored of class and he had nothing to do. So he decided to tease chuuya to cure his boredom and look at chuuya's cute and adorable face. "chuu-ya~" dazai said whispering so they wouldn't get in trouble. Chuuya then made an annoyed face, not looking at dazai. "Not now dazai we're in class" chuuya whispered back rudely and annoyed. "Awww come on chuuya who cares about a stupid story anyways, let's do something fun!" dazai said, now giving chuuya a smile. "Ughh whatever, just leave me alo-" chuuya then stopped his sentence when he felt someone bite his ear softly and rapidly. His face went red and he let out a soft whimper out of surprise. Luckily no one heard but chuuya was still embarrassed and mad. "W-What the hell dazai!" chuuya screamed as quietly as he could.

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