Kiss Me

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It was Friday night and dinner had just finished. Harry was walking just a head of Hermione and Ron, He was itching to get back to the common room, Ron had told him during their last class that George had gotten a hold of the latest quidditch book and he couldn't wait to read it. "Hurry up!" Harry called as the other two fell behind, deep in conversation. Harry's words snapped Ron out of his talk with Hermione though causing him to come up with a wonderful idea.

"Hurry up?" Ron repeated sounding fake offended.

"Yes! Hurry up!" Harry spoke louder not slowing down his pace at all, thinking only of the wonderful things that were in the new quidditch book.

"Last one to the dorm has to do a dare!" Ron yelled before running off. Harry hesitated before Ron shot past him, quickly Harry began to run after him.

"You're idiots" Hermione called out to them. Both boys swerved around people as they ran through the hall, Ron wasn't too far ahead, Harry was still in with a chance, He began running faster and Ron did too, Ron made quick work of the first corner but Harry slipped a little on the second although it didn't seem to slow him down much, he was gaining on Ron and would surely overtake him any second now. The last corner was coming up, Harry was just about to start passing Ron when he slipped, his feet hit a puddle and his legs went out from under him, his body sliding against the corridor floor.

"Shit" Harry mumbled to himself as he got up, Ron was leaning against the wall next to the fat lady a huge smile on his face.

"I have the perfect dare for you, been holding onto this one for a while" He smirked. They sat on the lounge in front of the fireplace waiting for Hermione Ron couldn't wait to tell Hermione his plan, Harry was incredibly disappointed that he'd now have to wait even longer to read the quidditch book.

"Okay!" Ron announced. "This is the dare I came up with" He ran over to Hermione and began whispering in her ear. "What do you think?"

"Oh that's so cruel" She laughed though pulling her wand from her robe, With a flick paper came flying out of her bag, with another flick it was pink, and another the words 'Kiss Me' were printed on it in large fancy writing.

"What's this for?" Harry asked as Ron handed him the poster.

"You have to hold this outside in only your boxers and you can only come back inside once you've gotten a kiss" Ron smiled, clearly proud of his dare idea. Hermione tried not to laugh.

"What the fuck Ron" Harry exclaimed. Ron looked all too impressed with himself.

"Oh Ron at least let him wear a scarf?" Hermione couldn't hold back laughter, she didn't necessarily agree with the idea, but Harry had made Ron run through the courtyard in his boxers only weeks ago so she kinda felt like it was fair now. Harry groaned as he made his way into his dorm before stripping down to his boxers, he kept his shoes on and threw on a scarf, beanie and gloves. Harry grabbed his invisibility cloak knowing walking through hogwarts with only boxers on wouldn't be very enjoyable. When he emerged from the room Ron by his side cackling his head off Hermione assumed he was under the cloak and they made their way out into the outdoor courtyard. The courtyard was usually busy with students studying or hanging out in the sun, but due to the fact that winter was settling in and it was incredibly cold now it was empty. Ron and Hermione sat on a bench on the side of the courtyard both rugged up in sweaters, scarves and wooly hats. Harry shuffled to the middle of the courtyard with the sign in his hands and let the cloak fall off of him. Not too long later a group of first year girls walked past giggling as they ran to their dorms. Harry groaned glaring at Ron. Hermione and Ron decided to quickly duck over to Hagrid's and say hi, they told Harry to meet him there if he found someone to break him free. To make sure he wouldn't cheat Hermione cast a charm on his feet which locked him in place until the dare was complete and then they were gone. Harry was alone, cold and really regretted making Ron run around in his boxers, he'd probably gotten half the idea just from that. Finally in the quickly dimming sunlight a figure walked out into the courtyard
"Potter?" Draco couldn't hold back his laugh. "forget your clothes?" He laughed even harder "or you can't afford any?" He added a smirk forming on his face. Harry rolled his eyes.

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