the hotel bed we woke up in

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gru opens his eyes up to find himself laying on someone.
"oh, you're up already? 😏 thought you'd rest a little more, considering all that energy you used up last night." says this large, green man... wait.
"SH-SHREK?! WVHAT ARE YJOU DOIJNG IN MY BVED????" yells gru, as he's getting up and off of him.
"aw i love your cute little accent-"
"😒 what's funny is that you think i'm in YOUR bed. this is a hotel bed. aka NOT your bed."
"WHJY ARE WE IN A HOTEL??????" gru is so confused and sits down a bit to think about whatever happened that caused them to end up in a hotel bed, with gru laying on him... naked. wait "IM NAKED WHY AM I NAKED??!" yells gru, as he tries to cover up his body.
"there's no use in attempting to cover up, i already saw you last night, in fact, you showed it to me first." says shrek
gru thinks "why in the wvorld wvould i show him my penis, i'm literally so insecure about it i can't even pee in front of anyone in the bathroom, i always have to pee in the bathroom stall. even had someone think i was masterbating once because i had my dick out and was making weird noises while i peed because i was so uncomfortable peeing in front of others"
shrek sighs and gru's thinking is interrupted. gru then turns to shrek, notices the disappointment in him. he wonders why he appears to be disappointed but it doesn't stop him from wanting to leave so immediately he walks towards the door to make his exit but shrek stops him before he can go out. "stop, let me go. i've had enough of this" says gru "but-" shrek looks directly into gru's beautiful, blue eyes, then down towards his... thing. gru was too busy caught in shrek's gaze, that he doesn't even notice shrek had looked down. it was until shrek cleared his throat, then gru's reminded that he's not wearing any clothes...
"OH. t-thanks i guess, but... where are my clothes?" asks gru
"oh... you really don't remember a thing, do you? not even the......." shrek's throat starts getting bad again and makes his voice sound all scratchy. gru can barely understand him. shrek continues "...kiss"
gru didn't understand what he said, so he repeated his question. "where are my clothes?"
shrek answers " well, they're right over in there" shrek points to the bathroom "but... the thing is, they're stained. cum stained"
"wtf. why are my pants cum stained" is what immediately goes through gru's mind. "i know i can bust out a lot of nut but... really, why do they have to be cum stained"
"man you were just, really hot last night and i wish we could do it again sometime. but why can't you seem to remember?" shrek says in disappointment
gru feels bad so he gives shrek a chance. "w-wvell i guess if we kiss, i could probably remember a thing or two."
"RE-REALLY?!!!" yells shrek out of happiness "wait... i don't want to make it seem like i'm pressuring you in any way. are you sure you want to do this?"
gru is moved by how considerate shrek is of his emotions, but the reason he came up with the kiss idea was mainly because he was naked and that turned him on for some reason.
"yes. i am completely sure i want to.. k-kiss."
says gru.
shrek leans in, places his fingers on gru's tiny, pink lips. then, places his whole hand on gru's flustered face. his cheeks were flushed, he's so cute when he does that, those are the things shrek likes about gru, but what he loves most is his long, perfectly shaped perfect nose. as he's in a gaze with gru's nose, gru notices and says something "hey! if you're just gonna keep staring at my nose, then i'm gonna go ahead and head out naked idc"
"N-NO SORRY ITS JUST SO.... long" 😏
shrek's smile turns into a smirk, then he gently pressed his green, diheara colored lips onto gru's lips.
gru suddenly gets a memory back... but not of last night.. of last year. be continued.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2020 ⏰

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