My Fault

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Smoke. Thats all I could smell, smoke. Smoke was everywhere and the screams, the screams were horrible. All I could hear was the screams and all I could smell was the smoke. I heard the faint noise of an alarm and next thing I know I was awake. I was awake and gasping for air, I couldn't breathe and the screams rang in my ears. I jumped out of bed when I saw the time and I quickly got dresses, fixing the covering on my bathroom mirror; I caught a glimpse of myself and her. She was behind me, I saw her it was a quick glance, but know I knew she was still there and I still knew it. I turned around erasing the image from my mind. I headed out my apartment door and walked to work, keeping my head down and my eyes pointed at the ground. I made it to work and headed to the back room, giving a quick nod to my boss then putting my headphones in. I started stocking the shelves before catching my face in a window and I froze. I stared at myself for what felt like an eternity before someone spoke.

"April? Are you ok?"

"What? Oh, yeah I'm fine. I'm just not feeling to good." I responded, turning.

"Oh, take the day off, I know what day it is. I'll cover for you."


"Of cours. Go."

"Thank you, I'll pay you back." I said, running past the person and out the door.

I ran down the street to the house. The house where it all started. Where the fire happened and where my spectrophobia began. I took a deep breathe and walked into the house, I walked around carefully to look for anything. I headed to my sister and I's room to look around, I stepped in and quickly backed out and headed back downstairs. I was about to leave when I saw something near the door. It was some words written out in red paint, it was a few simple words but it meant so much. All it said was "You're innocent, and I know the truth." whoever wrote that I have to find, I have to figure out how this happened. I need to know if this was an accident or if it was an intentional fire and most importantly I need to know I am innocent and maybe, just maybe she'll go away and finally rest in peace.  I'll finally know the truth, and so the hunt begins, the hunt for my families killer. 

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