Bad boi

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It was another UwU day at royale high and you were new and didn't know where your class was (doing the debby ryan) and thats when bluejay and marry walked up to you owo "HEY R U NEW?" "Uhm- omg yeah" "em jaydin and this is muh girl marrei" "yuh im merri his gorl" "oh un uh uhm uh im Y/N
👉👈" "ok well we gotta go cause theres Someone who flurted with marrey" "bye newbie" "o um bye" you walked through the school and see two gurls talking one with a bun e mask and one who looks like a DNF SHIPPER- so you walk up to them "hi um im neiw" "hi im tessa and this is keyara" keara waved at you they were prettie you thought "can you guys show me whoch classes im in" "ofc give your schedule" you handed tessa your schedule "OMG you're in the same class as us" "o hey they sit next to rolan- I feel sorry for you" kiara said "well lets go get you your locker" tyssa and kyara led you to your locker "thank you gorls" "no problem" they said and walked off. You grab your books and walk off

Time skip to the class room brought to you by: tOsSa

You walk in and omg everyone is looking at you, you were shy 👉👈👉👈 you get to your desk and sit down, the teacher calls rol call and that kid rolan isnt here then jaydien talks "he said 🚶‍♂️ " marri said "KABDJSBKDHW"- how is that possible! You thought, the teacher sends jaiden and kieara out to find hem while you all learn ew

After class

You walk out after everyone else and start heading to the dorms to get a door then YOU TRIP OH OH YOU TRIPPED HHHAJSHSJ "hey r u ok?" You look up and then-

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2020 ⏰

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