chapter i

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Beneath the Mask - Bell Witch

Police and paramedics rushed me into an ambulance. Even when I couldn't hear a single thing, I could feel the deep vibrations of its siren. I could also feel the growling engine under the bed I was attached to. I don't know why I haven't officially died yet even though I was so close to it happening. I was so tired and hopeless.

Lots of cords were plugged into me, I had to wear a nasal cannula that was connected to an oxygen machine. The process was rapidly fast. Just when the doctors started working on me, I fell even more tired and went unconscious.

My parents saw everything. They just saw me die, didn't they? I couldn't even say my final goodbyes to them. I couldn't say I love you. I couldn't hug them with my biggest hug. This sucked. It really did. Why did he stab me? Why did he have to kill me? Why am I living this kind of life? I hate it! I wanted to move on, I wanted to help Michael and then move to a whole different country so I could forget about this ugly town Haddonfield. But no. He had to murder me in front of everyone.

It's Michael Myers. I mean, what do you expect? I'm not surprised he tried gaining my trust to only murder me in the end. It's a cruel way to do it but it sure did work. He tried killing me twice now. One, back in the forest when I went to sleep. He cut open the wound on my leg much wider. Two, just now when he stabbed out my heart multiple times. But actually, his second attempt was successful. I know I'm dead. I'm so dead.

I'm so numb and tired and dizzy and paralyzed. Now I'm deaf and blind too because I can't open my eyes for shit and my ears just don't want to work. That's always nice.

Michael's plan was to probably end me then go on with his life as if I just didn't exist to him. I knew as he was stabbing me that the police fired at him. The gunshots did not affect him, they only made him stumbled back a bit. After, he took off into the forest with my blood wrapped around his knife.

There was lots of rage built up inside me. I risked my whole life for absolutely nothing. I took it away only to get backstabbed. I was beginning to actually make a connection with Michael! Things were going great! Of course, he had to change all of that by one single mistake.

This whole ambulance thing was annoying me. I'm dead, what else are they going to do with me? Revive me? It's not like that. Well, why am I even aware of everything right now? Why am I aware that I'm dead but not dead?

Just ten minutes later, I laid on a hospital bed with many more cords attached to me. My eyelids would still not budge. Not even my bones would either. I think I'm physically gone but my soul is still here. That can't be right, though...

There was so much pain in a split second! Everywhere it was! I couldn't even wince, I couldn't even clench my muscles to make the pain a little less intense. It felt like my whole body was on fire, like a burning forest. Something deep inside my chest started pulsing. It was my heart! My heart is beating... How? This was abnormally fast, though. It was going so fast. I had zero control over my limbs, I could finally gain feeling over them again and they were twitching rapidly. I went under a heave of sweat. This had to be a seizure or something...

A loud, endless ring began deflecting in my ears. My skull was going to shatter from how loud it was. Over that, my heart could still be heard.

It was like lava was being poured over me. I hated every bit of it. It seemed like my fingers were clawing at the sheets underneath me but I knew it was just all in my head. My body was stiffer than a rock on the outside.

The voice in my head was screaming at me in so much fearfulness. She told me to wake up. To run away. To stop the pain. But I couldn't. I wanted to badly.

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