Sad Teens with Happy faces✖️

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Today wasn't like yesterday it's not, it's every day that passes you get more an more depressed than usual. You to put on a fake smile to make the people around you seem happy an outgoing but deep down inside you knows you're dieing, but then u stop an wait who is true to u an who gets you an senses if your okay. But every day is the same shit an it's your daily routine your tired of being fake your tired of this an That an the other. Trust an believe me I've been there! It's not fun ik it's not. An everyday your more an more towards the edge just waiting for people to know an giving out signs an so on. It's like if someone complements you, It feels like lies an u feel like no one stands your point of view! Yeah I've been there. Your now towards cutting an at that edge the edge where it feels like your drowning an everyone around you is still living. An you can tell that one person how u feel but it's like when you do it's like they don't understand when they say they have been there an all that. An you just feel useless an just want to take your life and all this. You can be depressed for the simplest things that don't effect others but it effects you negatively an affects you.
Listen to me if you're at the edge and can't take it an just about to take your life don't you have a future an if you don't know how to talk it out just try your best... People are here for you! Trust me some loves you!

Sad Teens with Happy FacesWhere stories live. Discover now