In the Golden Starlight

150 11 14

ArcheRin One-shot.

Cinderella AU.


The world was coming to a rather terrible end for Rin Tohsaka. 

The scene before her caused unimaginable sorrow, but she resolved not to cry, not here. 

There her future was, the thing that for years she had planned and worked for, betting everything on this one, final, desperate gamble. 

She was required to be at Shiro's side; after all, this ball had been thrown for the official announcement of her engagement to him, of the joining of the House of Tohsaka and the Royal Family Emiya. But as she saw her estranged sister, Sakura of the Matou's, dancing and standing by his side, she knew it was a lost cause.

She saw that look in his eyes, the shine of happiness in their tawny and golden depths. He would choose her, the girl of the fallen house; all the while her future, her house's future and her family's future, would collapse, slipping through her fingers like dust. Even so, with all the eyes that surrounded her, she held her head high, her expression emotionless and calm, the mask of the elegant lady she wore effortlessly.

It was the end for her, but she would face it with as much dignity and grace that was afforded to her. Her efforts deserved at the very least that. Indeed, no one realized—not even Shiro—just how long and how hard she had worked to orchestrate this union. 

To ensure she was the most qualified bride, entailing hours and months and years of study and practice. 

To hash out negotiations, making the union as profitable to both of the families as she possibly could. 

To establish a good relationship with the Prince, trying her best to be likeable in his eyes so that she could be chosen, even if it meant throwing away her own personality. 

To run the entirety of the family on her lonesome since her parents death, an orphan in a sea of venomous snakes. 

To spend years building up her reputation in high society so that her transition would be smoother than silk. 

To give up all of her 'useless' wishes, ideals, hopes, dreams, hobbies, friends, habits... everything.

 Everything for the sake of that one moment she would be chosen... even her love...

And then... she was discarded.

She supposed she could find it poetic, ironic even; for as she threw away everything, even her own sense of self, for this opportunity, she too was thrown away just as callously. Of course, Shiro didn't even realize what would happen to Rin should she be refused, nor did Sakura who was still innocent in the ways of the Court. 

But Rin knew.

She knew all too well what her fate was when the Elders found out. And there was no escape. Certainly, she could run away from everything, run and run and run from her worlds collapse. But who would care for the callous and cruel Rin Tohsaka, the Fallen Lady herself? No one would shelter her, no one would care for her, and no one would miss her. 

Especially not him...

Her bottom lip trembled slightly at the thought, her eyes glassy. She grabbed a passing flute of champagne from a passing waiters tray, hiding her expression as she raised it to her lips and drank from it. The taste of sweet, golden starlight made her smile slightly; it reminded her of happy memories from a far, distant past, a time where she was loved and she loved back.

In the Golden Starlight~ ArcheRin One-shotWhere stories live. Discover now