Chapter 1 - Dark corners and alleys

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Footsteps echoed through the black painted quartz hallways. The white LED lights flickering on the ceiling. A boy, no older than 19 was walking down this very hallway, the footsteps were his. He hummed a soft melody, a lullaby of sorts, smiling at the happy memories it brought.

The boy was wearing a mostly black uniform with some faint green details decorating it, giving it an unique design. Each person working in this facility had their own unique designs on their uniforms. They were never similar in any way. The boy for example had a green, square-like smiley face on the back. He wore pitch black pants with two white stripes on the sides. His boots were black with slightly visible green details.

He continued his stroll down the hallway, his green eyes looking at the numbers above the doors he passed. He walked until he found his destination, room 173. He straightened his posture and walked in. He was met with a lot of screens and holograms that emitted blue, green and yellow lights. He squeezed his eyes slightly as the light irritated him.

-ah, agent Fruitberries, glad to see you- a voice called out from behind him, he turned around to be met with a slightly taller male. He wore a black headband over his right eye, in the middle of the headband was a metal plate with carved "A6D" in it. The other also wore a dark grey uniform with some darker and lighter details decorating it. The taller male had dark grey hair, neatly brushed, compared to his own, slightly messy light brown hair.

-and you might be?- Fruitberries asked the other politely
-I am a new agent in this facility, I go by "A6D" and I was supposed to meet with you as I will be teaming with you for your next assignment. It will be my first job so forgive me for my slight lack of knowledge- A6d said, bowing his head. Fruitberries did the same as a form of respect for the other.

Fruitberries went to one of the other agents to get the papers that had all information about their assignment. He returned to A6d and they both started making their way out of the facility. Fruitberries was reading the information throughout their whole way to the exit. He needed to wait for A6d to pack all the essentials he needed before they headed out. But he was already prepared, having experience with the job.

They were now both sitting on top of the roof of a building. Looking out for their target. Fruitberries wouldn't admit it but he was stressed about this assignment. It was the first time there was barely any information about the target. He could tell A6d was just as stressed, if not more than him. They both had their weapons safely hidden, easy to get if need be.

Fruitberries then noticed something in the distance. Despite being blinded by all the lights of the city. He and A6d jumped down and followed the fleeing person. They ran through dark alleys. Even thou Fruitberries was grateful that he didn't need to endure any more of the blinding lights from the screens and holograms, he still couldn't shake off this uneasy feeling. It was as if something bad might happen.

They finally reached a dead end and cornered the hooded person. They pointed their pistols at the hooded person. It had to be their target, right? The black hood, pitch black pants and boots. A strap with knifes across their chest. Wait. There was no strap.

Before Fruitberries could react and give orders to A6d he felt a hand cover his mouth. He struggled to get free, before deciding to bite the person's hand and tell A6d to run. Just before the first hooded figure could grab his partner he ran away, leaving Fruitberries alone against two people.

Having experience with this type of situations. He could tell just by the size of the hand that the person holding him right now was a male. The most logical thing to do in this situation is to kick them in the balls. He then ran at the other person while the first was whining in pain. He dropkicked the second one.

Unlucky for him the first one got over the pain and grabbed his arm from behind and putting his leg under Fruitberries's legs he tripped him. Not compeletly but Fruitberries still lost his balance, which gave the second one a chance to take a hold on him. Fruitberries couldn't move anymore.

A third hooded figure dropped down from who knows where in front of him. This was their target. Fruitberries looked at the man in front of him. He was easily a few inches taller than the agent. A black bandana covering the target's mouth and nose, a hood covering most of his hair, only some bits sticking out, falling onto his face.

Fruitberries stared into the man's pitch black eyes as he stepped closer to him. Fruit still wasn't giving up, trying to fight his way out. But before he could even get a hit on any of the two men that held him the target covered his mouth and leaned in to whisper in his ear 'welcome, agent'.

Fruitberries could feel something sharp piercing his skin on his neck. He felt some liquid being poured into his bloodstream as his world slowly went dark and his body fell limp in his captor's arms

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