20 facts about me

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1.) I am practically hooked on Doctor Who. (Thanks for telling me about it one_smart_cookie)

2.) I love to draw. I draw a lot in my free time.

3.) I love to read practically everything.

4.) my favorite colors are red and blue and navy blue.

5.) I absolutely love scary movies. The scarier the better.

6) I love performing in musicals.

7.) my favorite reality tv show would have to be Dance Moms.

8.) I love to sing but I don't like to sing in front of people.

9.) I am 20 years old even if I don't look like it.

10.) my birthday is June 2nd.

11.) I own all of the Harry Potter series.

12.) I want a calico cat really bad.

13.) I have all the books from the little house on the prairie series.

14.) I want to learn Russian because it looks really cool.

15.) my favorite superheroes are Captain America and The Hulk.

16.) my absolute favorite movie is Captain America:The Winter Soldier. The fight scenes are so awesome and it has a great storyline.

17.) my favorite doctors on doctor who are the 10th and 11th doctor. No offense to the 9th doctor. He is pretty awesome too.

18.) I don't care what anybody thinks but bow ties are cool!!

19.) I think that Robert downey jr. Is an amazing singer I just don't like Iron Man to much. If that makes any sense.

20.) my favorite musicals would have to be Jersey Boys and Phantom of the Opera.

Here is a bonus fact

21.) one day I am going to get a rocket ship so I can go to Pigfarts and meet rumblerawr. He's a lion by the way. Comment if you know what I'm talking about.

That was a lot harder than I thought. I am sorry in if it looks terrible. I also just remembered i love avpm if you know what that is you are awesome. Darren criss is an awesome harry potter. I just have one lat thing to say and that's Geronimo!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2015 ⏰

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