Season 1 - Episode 8

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I like her, holy shit.

No, I mean, I really like her.

She smells so nice, she looks so fucking pretty.

I'm freaking out, is it like me to freak out this much?

My thoughts are different than what I'd ever voice but holy shit.

The way her eyes glimmer, the way her hand rests on her hips and she smiles, chatting.

She's so kind, so powerful, so perfect. I feel so childish. 

The sports festival and I have to admit I was a little nervous, no matter how I looked on the outside.

I did hype myself up a bit, boost my ego as much as I could.

Of course, there was this inevitable challenge; the whereabouts my eyes decided to drift to, always her, always Toga.

She stretched and prepared her quirk. She hyped the class up, made everyone feel better. Spread words of advice, wisdom and kindness. Everything was okay. Even if she hadn't talked to me yet, I guess I'd wait. It was still peaceful to just watch her.

That was until I watched her happily wander out of the room and skip down the hall. I felt a sense of protectiveness, electing to drop my exercises and any conversations being started with me, I began following her.

The sight of her, happily chatting with someone else, in a way she hadn't before with anyone else, made my blood boil. She hugged him differently, fiddled differently, blushed differently. He was special to her, and that was obvious.

Even more so, I started to actually feel quite angry. Angrier than I usually have ever been. And, I didn't like it. Grabbing her by the wrist, was not something I predicted myself to do. It was out of my usual character. Whatever. 

"Oh- hey-" I cut her off, slamming her back onto the wall and leaning in close. I had to admit, I was flustered... I felt so, so overwhelmed, being allured in by her intoxicating scent.

"Wish me luck?" Was all I demanded, before being ready to storm off the event fields.

"Oh! Good Luck-" I pushed myself off her, feeling the radiated warmth, leave.

"Yeah yeah..." Did I sound like a stuttering mess? Did I sound like an angry brute? A nonchalant jackass? Did I sound more flirty? laid back? maybe I sounded friendly? Nerdy? Bubbly? straight forward?

Questions, running through my head, I felt like I could pass out. This wasn't good, at all, I needed to be out of here. "Hey, are you feeling okay?" The hand wrapped around my waist brought me back to my senses.  The beautiful girl who stood beside me, holding me close in her loving and concerned brace.

"Yeah..." Was all I spat out, I felt so out of character. She held her hand out, in it,  a water bottle and a charm bracelet.

"Here, you need to drink up! you could be dehydrated... never the less, you should take care of yourself! Oh and, I spoke to you last because I wanted to give you this!" she wrapped the bracelet around my wrist. "It's for luck! I wish you the best out there!" She smiled, handing me the bottle and a protein bar, skipping away with a smile.



Everyone stood on the buzzing field, awaiting the announcements we all wanted to hear. I made sure to tye my hair back, leaving no a strand of imperfection before glancing at my Papa with a smirky wink.

Watching Kacchan declare something so bravely in from of everyone, leaked enough determination for me to happily applaud him, even if I was the only one. In the corner of my eye, I saw the heterochromatic eyes, already peering rather softly at me. Smiling sweetly, the boy swiftly turned away, acting as if nothing happened.

"N/n-Chan!" Mina whisper-shouted, grabbing my arm for attention. 

"Oh, hello Mina-Chan!" I smiled, wrapping my arm around her should.

"I just wanted to thank you for your gift, I'm sorry about earlier..." You eyed the cute pinkette, squishing her mochi-like cheeks.

"Dont be silly! I'm glad I got to talk to you more personally!" 

Smiles where exchanged, the thrill of the festival about to kick in.

Mina looked at the gift Y/n had given her, A peach hair ribbon.

"Say, Y/n who was it you left to talk to?"


Idk this is so random, it's late, i want to publish something

I'll do the festival soon-ish (because im back at school *irl* and also publishing)
take care *btw i can't check my notifications for a bit*

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2020 ⏰

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