Surviving Tuntematon

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 Surviving Tuntematon

By J B Strong

Chapter One

Understanding the behaviors of the victim following his murder, is dependent on many factors. One for example, is the relationship the victim had with the murderess. So, Ciaran's quirks were reasonable and made sense. You see, it was his mother who murdered him. At least he thought so at the time. He was strange. But, like that example, all the reasons he was strange had long been buried in his unconscious mind.

Most of his classmates had no appreciation for the burdens some of their classmates were carrying and Rowan was like them. He was a bully. Though, the motivations that made Rowan a bully, were unknown to him then.

It was a small piece of white paper he drew out of the bucket, as half of the class did. Unfolding it revealed, Ciaran's name.

"I am not doing a report with a fag, George."

Laughter from his classmates.

"It's Mr. Williams if you don't want detention, young man. And, from what I see around here, it may be fate that brought you together."

Mr. Williams was a tall, dark skinned, large boned man who clearly ate too much for his own good.

"Fate Mr. Williams? I don't rely on fate, I have God."

"It's the subject of what I want you to address, that makes me think of the word fate, Rowan. Unknown things in mythology. Some people think of God as mythology you know.

"I'm offended by that, Mr. Williams and I am not doing it with him. My parents don't allow people like him in my home."

Ciaran began to rock in his chair.

"Use the library," said Mr. Williams.

"Look at him," said Rowan. "He's a freak."


"I have nothing more to say on the matter. Anyone who doesn't do a good report by my standards, will get a zero for this quarter. The team to give me the biggest ah-ha moment will win two tickets to the opening of Star Creature. I want to be surprised."

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