The beginning

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"I like you... Aominecchi.." The blond model, Kise ryouta spoke to his basketball team's ace, Aomine daiki.
It has been some time since a basketball hit him and met the tanned young man.
He still remembered how it felt,..the warm tingling feeling which urge him to join the basketball club, he has always looked up to Aomine, admiring the perfection of his formless shot.
Kise always thought Aomine was the one who made Kise's life on track and finally urged him to become a regular.
He had always nag the bluenette to play a one on one with him, nonetheless even with his copying skills, winning was not an option. He was often jealous of the other GOM members they were strong and are on the same level as the tanned. specially to kuroko, kise admired him, not just because of his plays but also how close he was to the bluenette. Seeing them play both in the game and in their free times, he realizes he could never be between them...
Kise tried to be conscious every time he was near the tanned, nevertheless his heart couldn't help beating faster. He realized how painful it was to see beloved away, when Aomine flirts, when Aomine ignores him, When Aomine called him annoying and all, and most of all when he'a with kuroko, being all close and dependent, It hurts so painfully bad that he reflexively put on his mask, that is his hundred watt smile, but when he was alone he couldn't help but think of his pain, and cried without limits... This has become so recent of him that without his realization he has become attached to that pain. Then there was a day, when his heart couldn't hold his pain anymore....

Blond Blunette [ Aokise kuroko no basket] (boy x boy)Where stories live. Discover now