Round 1

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A/N: So I recently discovered a game called 'Among Us' through some gamers playing it on Youtube and I fell in love with the game. I haven't got a chance to play it myself, but it is very entertaining to watch other youtubers play. Then I got this idea about putting the httyd characters, plus my OCs in this game in a modern au and this is the result. Again I haven't actually played this game so there may be some inconsistencies though I did do my research on this.

For those of you who don't know, Among Us is a virtual social game based on the game Mafia. There are crewmates and imposters. The crewmates job is to do task in whatever map they are in and have to fill their taskbar to win. The imposters are usually 2 people (depends on how many people are playing the game) and their job is to kill the crewmates before they finish their tasks. Crewmates can try to eliminate the imposters by calling a meeting or reporting a dead or calling an emergency meeting and vote out who they think is the imposter. It is a very complex game, but it is fun once you get the hang of it. It has tips and tricks for both imposters and cremates.

So with that, here is the chapter.

Disclaimer: I only own my OC characters

Chapter 1

"Good luck everyone." Hicca said through the discord as they started the round

"Good luck." Raeda replied.

"Can't wait to kill all of you." Snotlout said.

Hicca rolled her eyes as she muted herself on discord. She reads the crewmate sign with her pink figure standing in the foreground.

"Let the games begin." She said to herself as they all spawned in the cafeteria. Her brother was playing in the office farther away from her room so she didn't have to worry about him overhearing her and vice versa.

The game has started

Scanning her task, Hicca ran to the left of the map to the navigation room. It was empty when she reached. With the kill cooldown in her mind she quickly did the chart course task and left the room, heading down towards shields. As she was running out, her brother joined her in running down to shields, presumably from O2.

"Hiccup's there. Don't do it, bro. You better not." Hicca said, as the two were running from shields to storage. The kill cooldown should be done by this time, Hiccup could easily kill her in storage and run away. It would be a smooth kill, assuming no one would be nearby. As they reached storage. Fishlegs ran by them from the right, going into admin.

"Okay Fishlegs has seen me and Hiccup, so if I get killed, he can put sus on my brother." She commented.

She runs to the left side of the map, making her way to the reactor to unlock the manifolds and she sees her brother go to the electrical. Or tries to. The door was closed.

Hicca's eyes lit up. "Ooh, I bet someone vented out of electrical." She has seen that tactic be used before. She leaves her brother and runs up to security and sees Raeda on cams. She forgot to check whether the cameras in shields were on or not so there is no way of knowing how long Raeda was there for.

She decided to leave her there and went to the reactor where she found Tuffnut standing in the middle of the room, presumably doing the Simon says task. Just as she was going to do the manifolds task a flash of red and white suddenly appeared at her screen, making her jump.

She quickly realised that it was the report for a dead body and felt relieved. For a second, she thought Tuffnut killed her. She looked at the meeting profiles and saw a red cross at Astrid's tab and a megaphone icon at Hiccup's.

Bạn đã đọc hết các phần đã được đăng tải.

⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Oct 29, 2020 ⏰

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