chapter one

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sorry if this is all over the place, i wrote it at midnight jfdslkajf


Luz is scared.

She doesn't know why. That's what she's trying to figure out.

All she knows is that she's scared.

She's sitting at her window and looking at the stars and wishing she could fly and see them up close. Amity is next to her, but she's asleep. Unaware of the crisis that Luz is currently going through.

She stops and thinks. Now that she looks back on it, Amity always looked flustered and stumbled over her words when she was around her. Luz even asked her once if she had any crushes, but all she did was stutter and deny everything that Luz said.

Maybe, just maybe.


There's no way.

Luz finds the big dipper. It's weirdly shaped, though. Probably just the Boiling Isles.

Maybe, Amity likes her? Like, like-likewise.

It's a ridiculous idea. Nobody's ever had a crush on Luz Noceda. Why would they? She's weird and awkward and annoying.

Well, that's what the people in the human realm always told her. When she finally got the courage to tell her mom about it, she did her best to help her, but they never stopped calling her names and teasing her.

Luz smiles at the thought of her mom. She would do anything to see her again.

After a while, her mom suggested the "Reality Check" camp. Luz didn't like the idea, but she trusted her mom. It must've been fate that led her here. Although, the fates messed up a bit because she can't even see the one person in her old life that actually cared about her.



Her mom thinks she's still at summer camp. If only she knew.

Amity makes a noise, startling Luz out of her thoughts.

"Amity?" Luz whispers. If she's awake, maybe she'll have someone to talk to instead of spilling all of her thoughts on herself.

"Hm?" Amity's eyes open slowly.

Luz stares for a second. Has Amity always been this pretty?

"Um. Nevermind. Go back to sleep." Luz smiles at her.

"Okay. Love you." Amity closes her eyes again.


It looks like she's already asleep. Luz is panicking because holy shit Amity Blight just told her she loves her?

There's no way Amity Blight likes Luz Noceda, it's impossible.

Maybe she meant it platonically. That's plausible.

Luz doesn't want it to be platonic.

But she's scared.

This is why she's scared.

She's scared because what if she's reading this all wrong and Amity doesn't like her? Maybe Amity is only having this sleepover because she feels bad for her. Maybe she's pretending to like her that way just so she can dump her and break her heart.

But the Amity she knows would never do that.


And a voice in her head, quiet but strong, responds, Right.

She sighs and looks at her phone on the ground. It's not dead, it just has no signal or wifi, deeming it unusable. If only she could text her mom. Maybe she could help.

Then she remembers, Eda.

Eda isn't the best role-model, but she tries her best, and Luz loves her for that.

It's that word again. Love.

She doesn't know why, but the word makes her want to grab her coziest blanket, the fifth Good Witch Azura book, and a flashlight, and curl up somewhere small and safe. Like escaping monsters. But a nice one. A nice scary monster? She'll figure that out later.

In the morning. That's when she'll do it. It's too late now and she can feel her eyelids getting heavier.

She goes over to her sleeping bag that she's been using since she got to this whole place. Amity in another one right next to her. King is curled up at her feet, but his eyes are open.

"Hey, bub. Why are you awake?" Luz asks him softly, picking him up and holding him. For a demon, he's surprisingly cuddly.

"I saw you were awake and wanted to accompany you to sleeping." He answered, a bit too loudly as it caused Amity to stir.

Luz shushed him and set him down on the mat. "Okay, sweet dreams, King."

"I don't know what that means. Same to you too."

Luz chuckles and nods, "I hope."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2020 ⏰

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