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Edited: 10/30 to 10/31/2020
Reedited and Published: 11/1/2020
Reedited again on 7/24/2023

Author's Note

Hello horror lovers! Welcome to this short story. I'm so sorry I've done anything for months. School is pretty stressful, especially with the virus still going on. But I'm back. In celebration of Halloween 2020, I'm writing a oneshot based on Halloween 2018, which I have seen twice just around a week ago. This isn't a full retelling of the movie, but rather a couple of short stories about the reader throughout the movie.


Y/N: Your Name
Y/N/N: Your Nickname
Y/F/C: Your Favorite Color

Hope you enjoy!

October 30th 2018

Y/N Strode stood in front of her closet, contemplating on what she should wear for school. After about a minute of searching she found something promising. A soft cream colored cotton sweater. She slipped it on and pulled on dark denim jeans and tall gray boots. She sat in front of her mirror, and applied light brown eyeshadow, light coat of mascara and some lip gloss. She then pulled her hair up in a half up half down style. Once she finished she grabbed her Y/F/C backpack and headed downstairs for breakfast.

Once Y/N got downstairs, she was greeted by her foster sister Allyson who was already at the table looking through her schoolwork, making sure she has everything. Allyson gave her a smile and you smiled back. Followed by Allyson, her foster mother Karen greeted her with toast with peanut butter and some fruit and a glass of water. She thanked her and went over to sit next to Allyson, before she heard her foster father Paul exclaim,

"Aww man, I got peanut butter on my penis."

Y/N almost choked on her water but held it together, while Allyson stifled a giggle. "Great that we're starting this morning off talking about the male gentiala Dad." She sarcastically told her dad. Paul turned around at the comment and chuckled. "Well good morning to you too smart ass." He sassed back. Y/N laughed at her father's comment, along with Karen and Allyson. Despite being the only non biological member, Y/N is really close to her foster family. They adopted her when she was seven, same age as Allyson, and she instantly bonded with them. Karen and Paul treated her like she was always their daughter and Allyson always treated her like a sister.

After finishing eating, Y/N cleaned her plate and grabbed her bag. As she got up and said good bye to her parents, she paused at the door when she heard a small conversation between Allyson and her mom. She couldn't make out much, she heard Allyson mention her grandmother. Y/N slightly frowned at the mention of foster grandmother. She never really met her because of her foster mother being taken away from her mother when she was twelve, and how she doesn't want to get involved with her anymore.

Y/N also learned about why this all happened. Her foster grandmother, Laurie Strode was attacked by a masked, escaped mental patient by the name of Michael Myers on Halloween back in 1978. After the traumatic incident, Laurie became more defensive and sole purpose now was to be prepared for Michael's return. When her ways became too extreme for her daughter Karen, social services came and took Karen away, leaving Laurie alone.

This story always made Y/N sad; she wondered how Laurie would've been if she wasn't attacked fourty years ago. She shook her head and walked out the door with Allyson right behind her.


On their way to school, Y/N and Allyson bump into their friends, Vicky and her boyfriend Dave. They walked together and eventually the conversation came back to the topic of her grandmother. She remembered briefly that they were having a family dinner tonight to celebrate Allyson's academic status and to celebrate the ten year mark of having her in their family, since she was adopted on October 29th 2008. It was a day behind because everyone was extremely busy that day but they still acknowledged it. But the sad part was that her mother didn't invite Laurie to the dinner, which made her upset because she really wanted to meet her. She blocked out the depressing thoughts and just focused on walking. Until then started talking about the person who attacked her grandmother, Michael Myers.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2023 ⏰

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