A Poem for Young (Black) Women

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         I think someone of all races can find some type of resonance is not only this piece but also this book as a whole. Anyone can find something that relates to them, so if it does, then it was meant for you at that moment. Why I specifically dedicated this to young black women is because we are one of the most marginalized groups in America. The hate that is regarded to us is not only built into our society but in our own families as we grow up. I think that this is something that we can all relate to on a personal level. Everyone has some type of story if they think far enough back. We need to recognize the internalized misogyny in our own communities in order to move toward a better future. Take what resonates. Think about what this means to you, no matter who you are and what you look like. You can always learn more about who you are If you take the opportunity to do it.

When we were young, 

we were taught 

that our bodies 

were supposed to be hidden. 


They told us,

 "There is a man

 in the house".

 We were taught

 to hide from

 our true selves;

In fear 

of our confidence 

being mistaken as 

an invitation 

for someone else to enter 

our sacred temple. 

The one that 

we had always believed

 was our own, 

was controlled

 by the strings

 of a puppet master.

 We were taught

 that these strings were 

something that 

we can never escape. 

The burden

 of those two strings

 will forever weigh more 

than we thought 

we could bear.

What we

should have been taught

 is that 

we can bear more than 

what we have been told. 

That the strings used to holster

 us up could be severed.


were never meant

 to be someone's puppet. 

We are 

the masters in our lives. 

We control 

our destiny. 

We should not fear 

the thing that

God has given us. 

We were made in 

the image of beauty.

We were made 

to burn brighter 

than a thousand suns. 

We will walk 

with confidence 

in our stride. 

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