How you meet

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I'm gonna do something more diverse than Usual- this is gonna be based on zodiac signs.

Aries: Aries had been stopped by Boris to ask for directions. Aries had made a stupid joke that made Boris laugh and he gave him his number. They became close friends. NoT fOr LOnG.

Taurus: Taurus and Boris both go to the same coffee shop, there is only one table that has not been taken and Taurus is insisting that Boris take the seat. Boris tried to tell the other no, but Taurus is stubborn and keeps telling Boris that it's fine and he was leaving soon anyway. They became friends.

Gemini: Gemini is a big fan of Boris. One day Boris asks a question online and the first person to get it right gets to meet him in real life. Gemini knew the answer already because they are big-brain and won.

Cancer: Boris was having a bad day and Cancer asked what's wrong. Life long friends. Maybe lovers :)

Leo: Leo was working at a restaurant when Boris walks in and insults one of the things that had not been made right. Leo agreed that it tasted better with some other ingredients.

Virgo: Boris asked a question and Virgo overthought it. 

Libra: Libra and Boris are in a contest and get paired to cook together. Both are stubborn in what they want to cook.

Scorpio: Scorpio and Boris met in 3rd grade and have been inseparable

Sagittarius: Adventurous and optimistic, Sagittarius looks at Boris' videos and tries to find where he lives. Sagittarius succeeded.

Capricorn: Capricorn had gone along with Sagittarius so they wouldn't get himself hurt.

Aquarius: Aquarius meets Boris at a convention.

Pisces: Pisces met Boris while going out for a swim.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2020 ⏰

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