WHAT A FEELING part 1 cahpter 1

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Angelina walks down the stairs of her pent house slowly counting her foot steps as she reaches her kitchen. She opens her cupboard starring at her cereals as she contemplates on which one to eat. A knock sounded over her door 🚪. Come in she said with a puzzling look on her face, the door opened slowly as Sandra appeared. The countenance on Angelina's face changed all of a sudden. The two friends haven't seen each other in years. They ran towards each and embraced each other.

Angelina have not been hearing from her friend. So they both sat on the couch talking about all the things they encountered during. Oh my god, my schooling in the UK was super awesome . I wanna know all about the UK. Its a very cool 😎 place... you know what" ill tell you about that later, first i want you to check what I've got for you, you'll love ❤ it!
Sandra and Angelina walked back to the kitchen.
While the two friends were talking a boy with a blonde hair, pale skin, red shirt and red pants stepped in. He is Scoop Angelina's younger brother aged 20.

Hey*. Scoop said with a smiley face looking straight into Sandra's eyes, with that she stopped starring, looked at Angelina then back at him, hey she said almost blushing. So you said you had something for me, Angelina said acting impatient. Yeah I'll show you later. Sandra replied. Ahhh London girl, I suppose you've got something for me. Yeah I do. Sandra replied. As a matter of fact, I got something you would love to have. She continued. And, what on earth could that be? Scoop asked. Hey look it is a surprise and I am going to show you all that later. So let's talk about something else. The kids all went to the parlor, Settled down, then Sandra started actually the UK is a rainy area with a mild temperature. Hey we were already told in geography so tell us something different already. Did you meet some guy or something. Scoop said double raising his brow at the second sentence. Whilst they we're talking a brown skinned guy with black hair, black eyes, blue Versace shirt, designer pants and green pair of shoes rolled in.
Ricky Grove, the 20 years old multi millionaire with net worth estimated at about $109 million. He manages his fathers oil company (GECKO OIL COMPANY).His mom is also the district attorney. And he is also a popular public figure on social media with about 60 million social media followers.
And the black sheep returns. He said stepping in. Without saying a word. Sandra picked up her bag and left dragging Angelina with her by her hand.
And what's with this new attitude. Ricky asked. I don't know man. Scoop replied. Everything was good before you stepped in. He continued. Aside that. You said that you'll like some car with good drifting and cornering abilities. Ricky said. Um yeah, so what about that. I've got something for you outside. Ric said. The boys went outside the pent building then outside the compound. And there was a Bugatti Chiron super sport lying in the front of the building. So what dose this baby have. Scoop asked reluctantly. This $3million Bugatti has a top speed of about 400 miles per hour. It was specially design for drifting and cornering. Ricky advertised. You're lying. Scoop said chuckling. I am dead serious. Ricky replied. Ey, we are done with the talk part. So lets do. The boys chuckled as they hoped into the new car and drove off.
In Sandra's Range Rover sport hd.
The both girls sat in the car without saying a word.
What was the meaning of that. Angelina started. Of what? Sandra asked driving. You walked out on Ricky without even saying a word. Angelina said. All right I'm sorry. Now can we forget that happened. Sandra said. No you haven't answered my question. Angelina said. Hey stop bawling at me it's not my fault I don't really like that guy. Sandra insisted. First I'm not bawling at you and secondly, what do you mean you don't like that guy? Angelina asked waiting for an
answer.And who on earth was that snitch referring to as a black sheep? Sandra replied as she sighed. You know what Sandra that can not be the the reason you walked out on him, cause the last time I checked you guys were good friends. Angelina insisted. Well it is. Sandra insisted. But... But nothing Sandra cut Angelina off. Then she pulled out something packed in a red present sheet and handed it over to Angelina. Angelina unwrapped it and lying in it was a piece of pink diamond necklace.
I said I got some thing for you.
OMG this is so beautiful.
I got it from ippimond at London.
Thank you so much. No you don't have to thank me. This is the least I could have done for my best friend I haven't seen in years.
Sandra finally pulled over, she took the necklace from Angelina. Alright turn around let me help you with that. Then Sandra put the necklace around her neck, hooked it then Angela turned around. So how do I look. It looks more gorgeous than I thought it would look on you.
Alright so why are we here. Angelina asked. If I can remember vividly. When I got to your house you where about eating, so I thought that maybe we should pass by Tecoos tacos and have a delicious, tasty, yummy breakfast rather than cereal. So are you going to keep sitting there staring at or hop out let go eat something cause I'm starving. Alright. Angelina replied chuckling.

Bocktian highway
Yow This car is insane. Scoop complemented. Told ya. But hey, watch out for the cops. I think you are going too fast. Ricky warned. 400 miles per hour? I mean I'm only going 150 miles per hour. Scooped argued.
Scoop then matched the accelerator harder untill the car went 250 miles per hour. What are you doing scoop? Have you gone crazy? You know what just pull over. Ricky said out of curiosity. Chill man, we good. I'm telling ya, I've being driving for over 6 years, I..... Scoop was cut off by the loud police siren that was sounded from behind demanding them to pullover. It's the damn cops. Scoop said as he pulled over. So your happy right. Ricky said out of frustration with his hand on his face then slowly moves it to the top of his head. Scoop, having pulled over leaves his hands on the stir wheel. The two white police men came down from the police car and one slowly walked to towards the drivers window while the other one stood beside the police car waiting for instuctions or any call for alert. What are you boys doing in this neighbourhood? The police man asked. We we were just checking out our new car. Ricky replied. I need the driver to talk please. The police demanded. Ahh we were just checking out our new car. Scoop replied. Can I see your driving licence? The police demanded. Here sir. Scoop said as he brought his licence out of his wallet and handed it over to the police with one hand still on the stir wheel. Prop. Come check this out. The police man called the man standing by the police car. Prop walks toward the other police and takes Scoop's licence into the police car. What's that you got in your pocket. The police man asked Ricky. Ummm.... Ricky was about to bring his phone when the police man asked him to freeze pointing the gun towards Ricky. Ricky then put his hands back up. Alight the vehicle now. The police man commanded. Ricky opened the door and came out. The police man went around the car, hit Ricky on his back to make him fall to the car. He then put Ricky's hand behind him and handcuffed him pressing him to the car with the gun pointed towards his head. Scoop looked commpletely terrified. Yow paps, this car is registered under the district attorney.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2021 ⏰

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