My Anything

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        "Of course I remember her...she was my everything. She was my sun, my moon, my stars, and my heaven. She was the gentle kiss of a breeze on a hot summers day. She was the starlight in the darkness of night. She was the epitome of the bittersweet taste of love. The smile that took away my worst days. My life and my faith. I had never believed in much, but i'd always believed in her. She did wrong, like everyone does, but did them in a way where all her wrongs seemed to be right. I had never loved anything or anyone so completely in my entire life or even lives before. I loved every single cell in her body individually because they were all pieces of her. She was happiness, rage, beauty, charm, love, lust, frustration, and divine passion all wrapped in one. She became every contradiction. My bravery was brought out by my fear of her. Fear that her existence would wash over my thoughts, like a tsunami, with no hope of surviving. There was never a day where I didn't find something about her that made my feelings grow stronger. Her laugh, her smile, her willingness to learn, her desire to be more even though she was the always most, her aggressive side she only showed in an argument, and even how she would line up the last pieces of her cereal before finishing it, everything. I was reminded of these whenever I caught the slightest glimpse of her. If I had to choose I would pick her over and over and over again, an infinite amount. Every last bit of her was sheer perfection. She was my only necessity. I was once asked, "If you could have anything in the world,  anything at all,  that would make you happy,  what would it be?" Well, she was my anything."

"If you felt that way, then why did you kill her?"

"Because this time, I felt deserved nothing."

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