chapter 1: The Unexpected Sorting

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"Now you boys look after Taylar and Ginny" mum warns as we stand on the 9 3/4 platform.

"Wouldn't dream of letting them get into trouble" Fred laughs slinging and arm over me and George does the same with Ginny ruffing our hair.

"Hey! Don't mess up my hair" I whine patting down the frizziness.

It's Ginny and I's first year at Hogwarts. I'm pretty nervous about it. What if I don't make any friends or if I fail all my classes?

We all say goodbye to mum as we bored the train. Fred and George are already off with their friends as me and Ginny follow behind Ron. Figured we'd be sitting with Ron, Harry and Hermione anyways; Ginny has quite a crush on the boy. Walking down the corridors I suddenly run into another body.

"He watch where- oh look another little Weasley. Can't believe they're letting more of you into this school" A pale haired boy sneers looking at me in disgust; Malfoy.

"At lest you're an only child, I don't think Hogwarts has room for another egotistical prick" I fire back looking up at his grey eyes.

The Malfoy and Weasley don't get along much since we are "mudblood lovers". But Draco isn't a bad looking boy, I'm not about to go tell someone though. They'd have my head on a spike.

"Whatever Weasley" Draco shoves past intentionally hitting my shoulder.

I continue down the train finding my brother Ron sitting with Hermione and Harry.

"Where have you been? We thought you fell off the train or something" Ron questions shoving another chocolate frog into his already stuffed mouth.

"I ran into Malfoy, that arrogant ass."

"If he gives you any trouble I'll hex him," Ron threatens pulling out his wand.

"Sure you will Ronald," Hermione sighs knowing full well that Ron would either chicken out or something would go wrong.

For the rest of the train ride we all talk about how we think the years going to go and what houses were going to be sorted into. Obviously Gryffindor since that's what all my brothers have been sorted into along with mum and dad. Ron and his friends separate from Ginny and I since it's some sort of tradition for first years to take the boats.

"Are you nervous Ginny?" I ask sitting next to her in one of the boats.

"Not really, we pretty much know which house we're gonna end up in. Don't worry Taylar, we'll be fine and together" Ginny smiles patting my shoulder.

After getting off the boats we walk into the great hall where all the other students are already sitting. Wow it's so grand and honestly better looking than I thought it would be. McGonagall forms us into a line as she places the sorting hat onto the heads of first years. Ginny obviously gets sorted into Gryffindor as predicted.

"Taylar Weasley!" McGonagall falls as I approach the stool.

"Hmm another Weasley, but you're different than your brothers and sisters. You'd do well in all the houses. I think you'll do great things in... Slytherin!"

So this is a new story I'm writing and I hope you all enjoy it.

I would love some feedback and what I can improve and what you guys would like to read. Please vote and share!

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