The Undertaker's Cat

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A/N: Ok so this is my first time ever writing anything so I'm sorry if it kinda sucks. (~_~;) I decided to do an Undertaker fan-fic because I think there aren't enough out there ^///^

Disclaimer: I don’t own anything except Luna and her mother! All rights go to their respectful owners!

WAIT! Before you read the story I want to dedicate this chapter to AnnMary. She was one of my best friend's little sister. She was born and died on 12/11/03. R.I.P. AnnMary Mathews

Chapter 1: Moles And Talking Zombies

I stared up at the old white Victorian house my mom fell in love with. I sighed; I left all my friends so my mom would be happy and finally smile again. She's been depressed since she found out my jack-ass of a dad was cheating on her. He ran off with that Barbie and left mom and I to fend for ourselves. This is ironic though because my mom was the one who made the most money. She's one of the best lawyers in the state so she made a pretty good amount.

"Isn't it a beautiful house, Luna?" My mom asked smiling and gazing up at it.

I let a small relieved smile appear on my face. It was nerve wrecking to see her have her poker face on 24/7 the first couple of days after my dad- I mean, that man left. I would try my hardest to get her to smile and I finally came to the conclusion that there were too many things that reminded her of him; so I suggested we move. At first she didn't really pay much attention to the idea until I showed her this house online. I guess she liked it so much she bought it the first chance she got.

"Well, let's not just stand out here like dorks. Let's go inside!" She said practically jumping up and down.

Sure, I had to leave my two best friends behind but my mom looked dead...well at least I could tell she did, to others she probably looked super professional. My mom gave birth to me, didn't judge my obsession with anime, and she was always there for me. So I at least want to help her get through this.

I slung my bleach messenger bag with Kon on it over my shoulder and grabbed a box from the car. I went in and stopped at the room I chose. It was considered an attic but it was open and sunny, it even had a balcony.

I entered my room and set my box down. I looked around my new room. The walls were a calming royal blue color and my bed was in the farther right corner. The doors to the balcony were next to my bed.

I went out to the balcony and looked down. I saw my mom coming back from the car carrying a box.

"Hi Ma!" I waved down at her

She looked up and smiled at me. I turned around to go back inside but I saw a small door on the wall next to the doors.

"Ooh! Midget Door!" I yelled as I kneeled down to look at it.

I turned the knob and it opened with a small creak. I looked inside and it was a dark tunnel that looked like it could go on forever.

'Whoa...should I go inside?' I asked myself. I felt something telling me to go inside

'What if it’s like that tunnel from Coraline?...IN I GO!' I mentally yelled while crawling in. I managed to fit even with my messenger bag still at my side.

"I feel like a tiny mole crawling in here...Crawl, crawl, crawl tiny little mole..." I sang to myself.

After about 5 minute of crawling on the slightly creepy tunnel, I finally wondered where the hell I was going.

"Weird...I haven't made any turns and the wall can't be this long. Just what the heck is this tunn-AHH!"I screamed as I fell down a hole in the tunnel.

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