The Heart Breaking News

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It starts with a girl named Rona she thought she was a normal girl for awhile but one night change her life forever. One night her and her brother were playing outside and they heard a strange noise coming from inside the house. Rona told her brother to stay there while she goes to investigate. He did what she said meanwhile Rona was looking around in the house and found that her parents are missing. She runs around the whole house screaming "Mom, dad where are you guys". She hears her little brother scream and she runs back outside and her brother was nowhere to be seen. Rona falls on her knees and starts to cry but then she hears her family cry her name. She looks up and see's a man taking them she scream "What do you think your doing!". She runs to the family and the man but in a minute of no time she gets hit with water. The man was a water bender! She gets up fiercely and says "Why are you doing this?". He still says nothing but tries to use his water bending but this time she blocks the attack. Yet again she asks the man "Why are you doing this!". The man finally says back "It was not me but my boss so you better get out of here kid!". She says "Who is your boss!"she demanded. Then at a blink of a eye she feels sharp pains everywhere in her body nothing to do and her family tied up she is wondering how is this possible. Then it came to her he is using blood bending! She tries to fight it but she ends up falling. Then as she knew it she started to bend the rocks. She is a earth bender! Rona using her new ability grinds the rocks to make him trip up and loose his grip with the blood bending. But as soon as she looks up there gone. She was defeated. As she cried to herself she ends up getting up and going inside the house grabs food and spare rock incase of need and she started to leave the house but see's a family portrait. She grabs and puts it in her bag.                                                                 Ten years later
Rona is now 25 she has still not mastered earth bending she works at a mine call caves for crafts. It's where a bunch of earth benders bend rocks to find diamonds, rubies, sapphires, and many more different gems and stones. Sadly Rona has not found any gems or stones but the others on the other hand have that means she can't get paid. There was one time Rona found a gem it was a great big fat diamond but one of the men took it from her. She was the only woman she hated it but she couldn't get any other job. After all that happen to her she doesn't go out a lot so she thought maybe the caves would be better but no. She thought it was worst. But then one night she was bending in the cave and found a well a strange glowing rock. She looked at it more and thought out of all the years she found a gem but she doesn't know what it is. So she took the gem to her boss but before she could a few of the men walk up to her and tried to grab it but she wasn't going home empty handed. So this time she fought they were all trying to grab the gem but she wasn't going to let that happen. So in one hand she held the giant rock and in the other she bended. She use all of the might she had to take them all down at a time. Sweat was running down her face but she kept up the fight. She individually put them all to the floor. So she tucked her shirt in and pulled her pants up and started walking to the door but then a man said "You forgot about me.". It was the man who stole her gem last time. She said "Why won't you leave me alone?". The man said "Your a woman you should be in a kitchen not in a cave, you don't deserve it we work as hard as you do!". She said back "You work as hard as I do and get paid which for me I don't ever get paid now move out of my way!". The the man said "Or what". Then she said "Or this". She makes to large rock fist and slams him to the ground but he gets back up fast and tries to swing rocks at her but as soon as he knows it she swings them right back and he falls. He tries to get back up but she simply moved a rock which makes him tumble to the ground and she starts to walk away but he says one last thing "This is why your family is dead". She turns around and says "My family is not exactly dead they are missing it's a different now hush" using the rocks she shuts his mouth and finally walks up to the bosses door and goes in with the crystal and says "Hello sir I was wondering what this gem I found is worth?". He said "Good found Rona but I am sorry this is worth nothing". Rona was shocked and sat down and thought to herself all that trouble for what nothing she sighs and says "Really?" The boss says "Sadly yes I am sorry Rona." She gets up and whispers "I quit"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2020 ⏰

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