Chapter: I

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He murdered them both.

My mother laying there with her naked bloody body. I couldn't do anything. If I were to scream for help, I'd be caught. My father on the other hand, beat and stabbed to his death. I cried while I watched, she told me to hide, so which I did. Here I am, in a corner and with my eyes filled with fear. But then...

He found me.
He grabs me and tosses me across the floor. I scream and cry for my life not wanting to have the same fate as them.
He told me those words..
"I will come back and make your life a living hell."
He pulls out his dagger and swings at me.

   The same dream again. It's always coming back and haunting me. I wake up in cold sweat and goosebumps. It gets me every damn time...
It's been what... almost 12 years since that day. God it haunts me, I can hardly even remember what he looked's a bit of a blur now. Ever since that day I just couldn't feel normal again... I was seen as a crazy kid, not normal , no one wanted me because they thought I was lying and it had impacted me. That's why I was called special.

They were right about that part, it did impact my sanity. I'm 19 years old. I have trouble waking up without screaming or crying. I'm diagnosed with PTSD, it's not great. Hell, moving on from that.

Kimi Isuke Ivanov
A 19 year old female with indian red color hair, lavender purple color eyes and porcelain skin. Guess you can say she has a fine body, hour glass, weighs about 129 lbs, stands at 5'6.

   Isuke sighs as she sits up on her bed, looking around her before looking at her clock. “6:37 a.m... jeez, at least it's a bit later than usual..” she whispered and laid right back down on her bed, covering herself with her soft grey blanket she had pushed off to the side while she had slept. It felt cold, sure it was October but it should be at least warm. Those lavender color eyes gazed around her room. You know for a 19 year old, you would say she has a stable life. The typically, college and working half of the time type of thing. She has a job at least, working at a small market, like the size of a gas station just a bit bigger.

She honestly had no choice. Isuke moved away from where she knew people. Actually, she has moved about 4 times. Once when she was little, another time just to get away from people, then for family issues and now exact reason. She had friends who which she could have sticked with. Even though she only knew them for about 3 years...last years of high school. Now she's alone, living in a very small place of her own, with no one else. She was quite separated from others, it did take her some time to get to work but they at least understood her situation.

Isuke turned herself to face the wall, where there was... Nothing. Just some pillows against that plain white wall. She felt so...empty inside. It was the same nightmare and practically the same day happening over and over. There was not much to do rather than sleep for the next 2 hours. The redhead got comfortable, grabbing a body pillow and hugging it. Her head resting above it, keeping her eyes halfway open til they slowly closed.

It felt like it never happened.
That day, my body stained with blood, blood on the walls, the floor, the stairs, the doors ..and on their lifeless body.
I didn't expect those words she told me to be her last. Their screams for help bouncing off of the walls as no one was able to hear.
Watching my mother be assaulted and murdered in front of my eyes. No one child should ever witness that horrible sight.
All I could do was cry and hope to god it would be all okay.
But was it even necessary?
If god were to be there with me on that day, my family would still be here by my side.

I heard bell noises coming from my clock. I reach over to the other side to turn it off. ‘its 7:50...’ I thought to myself before sitting up on my bed.

“Time to get ready before I show up late...better to be there early."

I whisper, getting off of my bed, walking out of my room and going across the hallway to enter the restroom. After a few minutes of doing whatever I had to do, I walk out and go back to my room to change. I took through my closet to find a shirt, though I memorize every single one I have by now. Same old clothes but...they’ll do. I take the striped green long sleeve shirt off of it's hanger and set it on my bed and I open my drawers and take out a brown skirt. I take off my oversize sweatshirt I was wearing and put on my button up long sleeve. Then my skirt, tucking the end of my shirt inside of it. I walk back over to the drawer again to grab some brown socks and a belt. I put them on as well along with my shoes. I go to the bathroom to brush my hair and I come back to out on my necklace that has a small clock.

   Some time passed as isuke was getting ready and after she was done, she headed off to work. On her way, she was eating some off brand mini powdered donuts. She didn't have any more strawberry shortbread cookies so those donuts will do. Once she gets to work, she will buy some from there and most likely snack on them.

I finally arrive, I see others already here least I'm not late. Just on time. I go to my station, which is to place items back to where they belong. There's some boxes there and well...items in other places. Time to get started I suppose.

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