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You've heard all the stories of 'Jurassic Park' and 'Jurassic World'? How they created dinosaurs and destroyed everything? How the humans lost control of the dinosaurs, and watched in horror as they murdered innocent people? They're just stories, books that were made into movies. People have never tried to create them, for the fear from the 'Jurassic Park' books and movies in their hearts was far too great. Everyone knew of the dangers described in the fictional books, and knew that our current technology was better than what they had. They were never meant to become real...or so we thought.

Fear is also a great motivator, or so my father says. He also says that every book has a grain of truth. He's always up to something with his dinosaur fossils, trying to get the perfect specimen. His commitment to his project blazes so brightly that it shows in everything he does, from writing down his findings to sharing his latest discoveries.

When a new continent was discovered, my father bought it all to advance his research. The biome was held nearly exactly like it was when there were dinosaurs, and plants people thought were extinct were magically thriving there. He picked us up and took us there, with his team of scientists, and built a facility to accommodate us all. He was brimming with excitement, his eyes practically glowing from the joy he held within his heart.

His smile was contagious as we got there, all the possibilities, all the unknown things to discover! I couldn't help but smile along with him, thinking of all the things I could do there. I fidgeted in my seat, causing my father to chuckle at the sight of my excitement unwilling to be contained.

"There, there now my little explorer, we'll be there soon." He said softly as the fidgets left my body and an overwhelming feeling of sleepiness suddenly hit me. I nodded and slowly drifted off into a deep slumber, my mother's hands caressing my hair as everything went dark. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2020 ⏰

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