Meeting y/n

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"OMG OMG OMG I CANT BELIVE I GOT TICKETS TO BTS" You say sitting at your old laptop at 3 in the morning. "I CANT BELIEVE IT". Unable to contain your excitement you watch the idol music video ft queen Nicki Minaj.

You sit in line filled with fan girls and haesang fans but your different, you have front row seats and while in that front row you get so see jimin up close. "God I wish I could peg him" you think. As soon as you think that you see bts enter the venue. Stunned, nervous, and a bit excited you stand in aw. Immediately your eyes gravitate towards jimins ass. Jus once you wanna try pegging it and see jimin squirm as your 6 inch strap goes in and out. But that'll never happen....or will it.

Chapter 2 the concert: cause I don't know how to create pages

You enter the concert venue going into the front row. This is the best thing that can happen to you....for now. It takes a while for them to set up but it's time. Right away the song boys with luv but your not paying attention your only looking at jimin and imagining what you can do to him. Just the thought makes you squirm. Then something unexpected happens. Kim Namjoon throws a backstage pass into the crowd and you catch it. This pass will allow you to meet jimin and maybe pegging him is possible

Jimin x y/n pegging Where stories live. Discover now