Chapter 1

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*Tyrion's Pov.*

"Your Grace... your grace... is she alright?" I asked looking back at Greyworm and Missandei. The dragon queen had become as still as stone. Not a second earlier she was talking animatedly to her three companions. It was as though time had stopped completely.
"I am not sure" Missandei spoke stepping close and putting her hand on her shoulder.
This seemed to snap the queen out of her stupor as she jumped slightly at the contact.

"Are you alright your Grace?" Missandei asked looking concerned.
"I-I am not sure what's going on" Daenerys stated shakily. She stood up from her chair, her hands clutching her body almost in pain.
"My body feels like it's burning. I've never felt this before" she continued.

"Grab the maester immediately" Tyrion voiced to Missandei. She nodded and took off, running out of the room to find Sam.
"Your Grace please sit while I pour you a cup of water" I spoke gesturing to the chair behind Daenerys and walking quickly to the other side of the room to grab the pitcher.

I filled the cup and handed it to the dragon queen. She gulped it down greedily before turning and facing me. "Tyrion... where is Myra?" she spoke after she swallowed. "I am not sure your Grace. Would you like me to send someone to look for her?" I replied. She nodded wordlessly, growing weaker by the second. I turned and nodded toward the unsullied soldier standing nearby knowing he had heard our conversation. 

As he left Samwell entered the room. "Your Grace I heard you needed some medical attention" Sam spoke walking towards Daenerys in haste and moving her to her bed. 

"I'm not sure what's happening. My body feels like its overheating" she spoke with difficulty lying down. Sweat coated her face as she gasped for air. Sam held a hand up to her forehead, seconds later removing it just as quickly with a yelp. A burn now covered his hand. He quickly grabbed his bag and pulled out some medical supplies trying to patch his hand up quickly. 

He turned to me frantically. "I'll be honest with you, Tyrion. I have never seen this before, and I have no idea how to help as of this current moment....I need to do some more research. In the meantime, I suggest you get her handmaidens to remove her clothes and cover her with anything remotely cold. We need to get her temperature down as soon as possible" Sam explained gathering his stuff and running out of the room towards the library. 

Daenerys' handmaidens quickly rushed into the room carrying wet rags and buckets of water. The unsullied from earlier also returned, letting you know that Myra was no where to be found. A bad feeling washed over you. 

You quickly walked towards where Daenerys lay and spoke. "Don't worry your Grace. I will find Myra and return her to you. You have my word" before rushing out the door after Sam. 



*Myra's Pov.*

"Hi, are you perhaps sailing to Kings Landing?" you asked a nearby sailor washing the deck of his small boat. He paused and turned to face you with a confused look on his face. "Are you mad? Why would you ever want to go there? Entering that city is  a horrible idea... one that will surely lead to your death" he spoke turning back to work. 

"Please, I need to go there to see her Grace Daenerys Targaryen! It is extremely important" you stated annoyed. Again he turned his attention to you. "Daenerys Targaryen hasn't been seen in 2 years... she is likely dead and buried deep in the castle crypt somewhere. Cersei and Jamie Lannister now hold Kings Landing. You did not know?" he replied confused and almost intrigued.  

Dread washed over me instantly. She was gone. And I wasn't there to protect her like I had promised. I slowly dropped to the ground, tears staining my cheeks as I cried. I could feel my heart breaking, the ache in my chest growing, knowing that I had failed her. I wiped my tears and looked back at the sailor staring at me with sorrow and pity in his eyes. "How do you know she is dead?" I asked him sniffling. 

"Well, for one, its been two years since anyone has seen her or her dragons. Cersei likely slaughtered them after she captured Kings Landing to solidify her rule" he explained. "I thought the Lannisters were dead? What the hell happened..." you spoke defeated, still unable to comprehend what occurred while you were gone.  

"As did we all. Their return was quite shocking, unexpected, and terribly violent. To my knowledge everyone in Kings Landing was killed, including women and babes. The city now lies barren except for Cersei, her lover, and her army of soldiers..." he trailed off. Your eyes widened as you thought about you mother and sister. You choked back another sob.

"Please take me to Kings Landing. I beg you. My family... they live there. I'll pay you handsomely" you pleaded. He sighed and studied you, contemplating whether it was worth it. "I don't know girl..." he spoke. 

You quickly grabbed the sack of coins you had on you and dumped them all onto the deck of his boat. His eyes widened at the shear number. "All this is yours if you take me" you bargained. "I have no family left anyway, so my death is meaningless to me. Hop on" he spoke gathering the coins. "Thank you" you smiled briefly before jumping on the ship. 

I will find out what happened to Daenerys, and my family. 


*Cersei's Pov.*

The glow of fire danced along the walls of the crypt... the fire so hot you couldn't help but recoil at the heat and strength of it. You watched the fire dance along her skin as it encased her body protectively, keeping you away. 

You grabbed a rock on the ground and threw it at her, only for it to crumble into ash as it reached the flames.  "Damn it! Just die already"  you yelled, your voice echoing through the large room. Her dragons were dead, all you needed to do is kill her, and Kings Landing would officially be yours. 

"Cersei we've tried everything. Arrows, poison... we can't even get close to her without burning ourselves or having our weapons melted into nothing" Jamie spoke from behind you.  "As long as she doesn't wake, who cares" he added running his hands up and down your arms. "I care!" you yelled pushing him away. You turned back and glared menacingly at the the Targaryen girl's stoic form. 

"I don't care how long it takes. Once that fire fizzles out I'll kill her, and skin her alive for what she has cost me. Mark my words."


(1200 words)

Hi everyone! I'm back after so long. I'm sorry for the wait I know many of you have been messaging me and wondering whether book 3 would ever be posted. Honestly I kinda stopped reading and writing fanfiction for a while because nothing good was out there and I had no motivation. I thought I already read what I could in terms of gxg on wattpad and archiveofourown. How wrong I was. I am now officially obsessed with Lady Dimitrescu from Resident Evil. If you guys have any recommendations of longer fanfics with her lmk in the comments (doesn't have to be just on wattpad). I prefer longer stories rather than 1 shots. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Don't know when I will post chapter 2 but I promise not to keep you guys waiting too long. Thanks for reading and remember to vote!


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