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Okay i'd like to say a few things before you start reading. I have never even read the hunger games and i am just going off of the Movie,k. So if i put something in the story and you all are like 'Hey thats not in the books' then you know why. Okay, i'm going to change it up a bit and make it somewhat of my own. I don't own any of the Charicters, just the kids that will be apart of hunger games(Some, you'll find out when your reading), okay so please enjoy...


Intro: Long after The Avenger defeated Loki, SHEILD celebrated every year from that day forward with the Avenger Games. Each SHEILD agent would summit their child each year to see them fight to the death in a New york remaked town. One of each gender were picked out of each of the Seven Districts SHEILD had around the world. After the 16th Avenger game, Nick finds out that The Avengers have their own kids and are summited into the game. But what will happen when Loki's kids are summited in because Loki was apart of SHEILD once upon a time? It's time for Pain, Love, Death and Hope, in this years, 17th anual, Avenger games....

~District 1: 'Thor's District'~

Atheana Thorson

Age: 14

Hair: Long light blond hair

Eyes: Light blue

Weapon of choice: Sling shot

Special Power: -None-

Zeus Thorson

Age: 16

Hair:Dirty blond, well cut

Eyes: green

Weapon: Hammer

Special power: -none-(Half mortal)

~District 2: Tony's District~

Sofia Stark

Age: 16

Hair: Shoulder length light brown hair

Eyes: brown

Weapon: Shot gun

Special power: Can't die from being stabbed or shot

Brett Goldburg


Hair: Short black hair

Eyes: Blue

Weapon: Hands(He's to confident)

Special power: -none-

~District 3: Bruce's District~

Megan Banner

Age: 13

Hair: Dark brown(Almost black)

Eyes: Brown

Weapon: Dagger

Special power: Has anger management issues(She's like her dad and turns into the Hulk)

Austen Shaffer


Hair: Shaggy blond hair

Eye: Blue

Weapon: Knife

Special power: He can't be tackled because he's too heavy to push over

~District 4: Steve's District~

Baliey Stevens

Age: 18

Hair: Dark auburn hair with freckles

Eyes: odd red eyes

Weapon: -has none-

Special power: can manipulate with her odd red eyes

Ryker Rogers

Age: 12

Hair: Dirty blond hair(Looks like his dad but with freckles)

Eyes: Bright blue

Weapon: Shield(His dads)

Special power: -None-

~District 5: Clint's District~

Eliza Barton(Clint's Niece)


Hair: Dark brown waist length hair

Eyes: Brown

Weapon: regular gun

Special power: -None-

Tom Barton


Hair: Dirty Blond

Eyes: Hazel

Weapon: Bow

Special power: -none-

~District 6: Natasha's District~

Tallie Romanoff


Hair: Dark red curly hair

Eyes: Green

Weapon: Knife

Special power: Has ninja skills

Steven Howard

Age: 16

Hair: Dark brown

Eyes: Blue

Weapon: Gun

Special power: -None-

~District 7: Loki's District~

Lucy Lokison


Hair: Pitch Black shoulder length hair(Looks like her dad)

Eyes: Dark green

Weapon: Bow and her Dad's Scepter

Special Power: can shape shift into a wolf and has her dad's magic powers

Mason Lokison


Hair: Dark brown(Almost black) Shaggy hair

Eyes: Baby blue eyes

Weapon: Sword

Special power: Has magic powers like his dad and can transform into a horse with eight legs(Get it from Norse Mythology)


1. Each competitor will be able to chose their weapon before the battle starts and may take a weapon from his/her parents or guardian.

2. There can only be three winners

3. if one escapes the battle stadium, then one is killed instantly along with family

4. may take in three things in the battle arena from outside world before they enter

5. there may be teams and alliances.

The Avenger games(An Avenger and Hunger game cross over) *On Hold*Where stories live. Discover now