chapter one waring there are panic attacks

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Mia's POV it was dark were I am I can't see where is Draco and Nicholeas . we are right here Mia Draco and nick said ( they can read each others minds ) where are we it 's to dark to see you. Mia we are right he reach for us you will feel us okay o-k-kay. she reaches and touches him and him and hugs .

Draco( Pov. ) me and nicholes hug her but somthing is off I can see though my sister and brothers that is not normal all I I now from last night , was that mom and dad were fighting and hiting us for getting to make food before they came house last night and I think they killed us when they hit us with somthing I don't know what it was but I am mad that they left us here to die . hey damon are you okay I asked no I am not okay we are dead and it was mom's and dad's fault th THEY DID THIS TO US. he said crying and panicking . hey breathe in and out calm down I now we are dead and I know that you are mad so am I we will get through this okay.

nicholes Pov . I am mad sad and scared but we are trying to calm damon and mia down mia want be able be to tell her crush luke she loves him i can't believe our parents did this they are going to pay the price we are going to get revenge for what they did and they are not going now what hit the( laughs )

Mia pov. After Nicholas calls Damon and me down my heart breaks I thought our parents would love us but no they hit and hurt us and lied to people about us why did they do it i am just 15 and my brother's are 17 order my did they kill us in the house or at all ... mmm wait a minute guys just before we died i hear them say something i think I can remember what it was .( Well do you remember they Ask at the same time )
Yeah they said something of powers they said they could be more powerful then us so we have to get rid of Th- ( a loud boom ) w-what was tha- .Suddenly, the room lit up with an eerie glow. The siblings looked around, trying to locate the source of the light, but there was nothing in sight. Then, out of nowhere, they heard a voice.

"My dear children, I am sorry for what has happened to you. Your parents have made a grave mistake, and for that, they will be punished," the voice said.

"Who are you?" Mia asked, her voice shaking.

"I am the spirit of the Powers, and I have come to offer you a choice. You may return to the mortal world, seeking revenge against those who wronged you, or you may join me in the spirit realm and be granted great power and knowledge," the spirit said.

The siblings looked at each other, unsure of what to do. They had always wanted power, but revenge was equally tempting. Finally, after a few moments of silence, Nicholas spoke up.

"We choose revenge. Our parents must pay for what they did," he said confidently.

"Very well. Your wish is granted," the spirit replied before disappearing in a puff of smoke.

The siblings felt a surge of energy coursing through their bodies. As they stood up, they realized that they had gained incredible powers. They were stronger, faster, and had the ability to control the elements.

"We will make our parents regret the day they ever crossed us," Damon said, flexing his newfound muscles.

The siblings left the dark room, ready to take on the world and seek retribution for their parents' sins.

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