Bnha one shot - angst (ish)

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The characters in this one-shot are not mine!!!! I got inspiration for this one-shot by TikTok user impulsive.cos!!!


"-and that's how I became the greatest hero Japan has ever seen. Well, that's how you would have told it, right Deku?" Bakugo said as he stood in front of a grave with the words 'Here lies Izuku Midoriya, a loving son, a great friend, and the greatest hero' carved into it."Why didn't you wait, Deku? I told you to wait, didn't I? I told you not to go by yourself, to wait for me! Why didn't you wait?!?" He was raising his voice little by little, sobs wracking through his body as he shook, trying to hold them back.

"Why did you leave me, Izu?" Bakugo whispered, having calmed down a bit after a while. "I hope Auntie, and mom and dad are with you. Our parents didn't make it either. The building next to the one they were in blew up. The ruble from that building fell on top of the neighboring buildings. Including the building our parents were in, they got severely injured. It was a miracle that they didn't die from the impact. They tried holding on, especially auntie. It was only an hour later from the time that you died in my arms did I found out that they were even at the hospital, much less gone. The look in your eyes, I can't get it out of my head. You looked so afraid, yet you kept smiling. You kept asking if I was there. I always responded with a yes. You even asked if the others were okay. That was so like you, Deku. Always worrying about others before yourself." Bakugo looked to the left of Izuku's grave to see Inko's right next to it. "Auntie, thank you. Thank you so much for raising him and bringing him up the way you did. He was the greatest friend anyone could ask for."

He looked up as if searching for something. "All might. You weren't the greatest teacher or mentor. Hell! You blatantly showed favoritism toward Deku. Some of the other extras started believing the whole 'All might's secret love child' thing the half and half bastard started back in our first year. But there is something I'm willing to admit, you were a good hero, and you couldn't have picked a better successor for One for All. So thank you."

He ended up visiting Grand Torino's grave along with his parents' graves. He came back to Izuku's grave and sat in front of it, not minding that dirt was getting on his pants. "I wasn't done talking with you, Deku. I still can't get the last words you said to me out of my head. 'Tell my mom I love her and to take care of herself, tell the others to take care.' I told you to tell them yourself, but you used that as a distraction to transfer One for All to me, didn't you? I didn't even feel it. Then you decided to say 'Kacchan. Never forget, you are my best friend.' How cruel, Deku. Calling me your best friend when I'm the least to deserve your friendship."

He took a deep breath, calming himself before he started crying again. "Look at me. I use to call you the crybaby. Guess I'm the crybaby now, huh?" Bakugo looked down at the mask and piece of green cloth he had in his hands. I had to sneak these out, you know? The hero committee is calling you a disgrace. They wouldn't dare say it in front of anyone, though. You always were more focused on saving the people than capturing the villain. That's why a lot of people admired you, Deku. That's why I admired you."

Bakugo stood up, shaking the dirt off his pants, and sighed. "I'll come back later, nerd. Don't get too lonely now." He said while giving a slight smirk.

On his way home, he kept fiddling with something Izuku gave to him before he passed away. It was a small key. He gave it to Bakugo with the words, 'you'll know what to do with it.' Bakugo tried every lock, from doors to cupboards to chests. He couldn't get any of them to open. Once he got to his door, he looked down the hallway, looking at where Izuku's apartment used to be. Right by Aizawa's and Yamada's old apartment before they too left this world. He opened the door to his apartment, taking his coat off and turning the thermostat up to make it warmer. He walked towards his room, plopping his jacket on the chair before his eye caught something shiny. He scrunched up his eyebrows in confusion.

"What?" He was pretty sure his desk never had a keyhole. Immediately he went to get the key that Izuku gave him, running toward the front door where he usually kept his keys in a drawer there.

'Could it be?' He asked himself as he rushed back to his desk, shoving the chair away. He sat on the floor and placed the key inside the keyhole. Turning the key, opening the drawer to his relief, he found a note and a picture facing down.

The words 'Me, Izuku Midoriya, and my best friend Kacchan, Katsuki Bakugo'. Bakugo turned the picture, seeing that it was a picture of him and Izuku at the park catching bugs and chasing each other. He remembered that day well. It was a week before Izuku found out he was quirkless, the week before it all went to hell.

Bakugo started sobbing. Repeating the words "I'm so sorry, I'm such a horrible person. I don't deserve to be the number one hero. I don't deserve happiness." He looked up briefly to at least try and get his breathing back to normal, the note catching his eye. He reached his hand toward the letter and opened it.

'Hey, Kacchan, If you're reading this, we probably just went on our first date, or I'm not by your side anymore. God, I hope it's the first one. Anyway, I want to tell you that I forgive you. I never once held a grudge against you or hated you. I want to tell you I love you. With all my love and forever yours, Izuku Midoriya'

Bakugo just sobbed harder. "Damn nerd, how cruel can you get? I'm so sorry for what I did. I wanted to protect you. To keep you from getting hurt. I went about it the wrong way, and I know that. I'm so sorry, Izu. I love you too, so much." He ended up crying himself to sleep there on the floor.


Bakugo ended up becoming a workaholic. He went abroad for a few years and finally came back to Japan. He decided to make Kota his successor for One for All. He started visiting Izuku every week again, but he needed a distraction from the images he would see. The light in Izuku's emerald eyes, slowly fading away. The way that his chest was slowly coming to a stop. The way how his grip on Katsuki's hand started to loosen.

The emergency alarm sounded throughout the agency, alerting the heroes of the dire situation. Bakugo went to the site as fast as he could. He fought the villain with everything he had, not for himself, not for the people, but for Izuku.

"YOU WON'T WIN!! I WON'T LET YOU!!" Bakugo shouted as he desperately tried to fend off the villain. "I ALREADY WON PIP SQUEAK!" Bakugo tried using his AP shot: Auto-Cannon, but the villain dogged. The villain got close to Bakugo, trying to use close combat. Bakugo was punched on the jaw, slightly pushing to the left. Bakugo regained his balance and set off multiple explosions in the villain's face. The villain took that moment to kick Bakugo in the stomach. The fight was starting to drag on, and the damage was getting to be worse than the Kamino incident. Bakugo, as a last resort, used everything he had in one final explosion, aiming for the villain. The villain got ready to do the same. In the end, both of them laid there on the ground, unmoving. Both were severely injured and barely breathing. Multiple paramedics rushed to Bakugo and the villain. Two of the paramedics rushed the villain to the hospital while the other three were trying their best to keep Bakugo alive, which were sadly unsuccessful.

In the hospital, the villain was able to recover and was sentenced to life imprisonment in the highest security prison in Japan. Bakugo Katsuki passed away five years after Izuku Midoriya. Both died with a smile on their faces. Katsuki's last words were 'You look beautiful Izuku,' much to the confusion and panic of the paramedics, as he crossed to the other side with his Izu's help.

Here lies Katsuki Bakugo, a good friend, an amazing son, and a great hero.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2021 ⏰

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