
69 0 3

Type specials

Male ,female or futa
Moves ( any among of sex moves and 4 regular moves that could be used I sex battle )

Name : dawn guar
Age : 23
All futas
A lv56 gardivour
Moves : hypno sex ( chance to turn enemies on my side ) hypnotise , max tease , psybeam , teleport and illusions clones ( clones have different moves based on type , this type have hypno sex and mind tease ) confusion , rape , arena of mind , portal
Lv  100 swampert  mud clones ( mud rape that stuns and does massive tease damage ) hydro cannons , surf , growth ( grows dick and breast  and their effectiveness ) and water tentacles , swamp , environment growth , deep sea
Lv  59 venasaur vine rape , over growth ( fills bwttle field with plants that tease enemy all over ) deep forest ( have chance to summon  tree clones with vine rape and impregnate ) cut , absorb ( can steal dick and breast sixe ) and toxic , stun sting , milk
Lv67 mega beedill twin missile  , bug horde ( summons bee horde to rape enemy ) fly ,  max tease , liquid cum ( cum attacks paralyze and increase lust gain for how long the cum last on them )  bug nest , bug eyes
And  lv 56 goodragon smog , lick , dragon  suck , lustful kiss ( makes enemy gain lust over time and make them more likely to masterbait instead of attacking )  , dragon rape , call of dragon , dragon egg , inpregnante ,
Groundon : earth clones , lava clones , enviorent change , firey  passion , magma pin , mountain party , legendary tease and rape , mega boost 
Kroger : water clones , sea clones , sea zone , water tentacles , mega water rape , water beams , mega egg , mega boost
Regigius :mega boost , way too big , rape of titan , call of regi , elemental change , summon portal , pin , overpower
There are 7  gyms
Hypno gym
Sex gym
Elemental sex gym
Fetish gym
Clone gym
Sex toys gym
And illusion gym

Most pokemon are female and male , futas are rare and better and can make other pokemon futa ,  you start with two pokemon , I will be gym leaders , your rival , pokemon you fight and other people have fun

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