Chapter one: The past

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As wade wattslogged into the oasis he watched through the 3 minute long ads to join the 5 minute queue. He wasn't willing to to buy a queue skip even if he could afford it. He remembered back to the older days, the better days, of the oasis.

I still remember the day exactly 9 years and 3 months ago James halliday had died and a hunt for an easter egg he had hidden somewhere in the game he created. The person who found the egg would get complete control of his company worth more than 500 billion dollars and complete control of the OASIS, the virtual reality world that much of the planet escaped into. As soon as the competition went live the corporation interactive online industries began hunting for halliday's easter egg to bastardise the OASIS and squeeze as much money as possible from it, despite how hard we normal players tried and believe me we tried,IOI found the egg, thats why im sitting in this queue.

You might have read some things about me. After IOI found the egg and I disappeared I went to live on some island in the mediterranean. That's not true. After IOI found halliday's easter egg I lost almost all of my clout, practically no brands wanted to work with the man who let the whole OASIS down. I can only get some small deals here and there from small clothing companies or real estate startups. I make most of my money from small advertising deals and selling items on the black market, and I have to use the black market after IOI's new trade taxes.

IOI didnt ban me i guess they didn't care about me in the slightest after they beat me, i was just another paying customer.

That was their biggest mistake

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