1. Once upon a time...

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Prince Aiden of Clearhaven reined in his horse abruptly, garnering a curse from his constant companion, Anthony.  Anthony, Lord Auden, would be Duke of Auden one day. The Duke had sent him, and his daughter, to the court to learn... Aiden smirked. All Anthony was learning was hunting, drinking, and chasing women. Sometimes they managed to fit in some chess and history, but as far as politics and matters of the court, they knew gossip, rumour, and innuendo.

"I don't like the sky, Anthony. I think we should seek our pleasures elsewhere." 

Anthony drew his mount abreast of him. "Hmm," he said studying the same dark clouds that had pulled Aiden up short. "I suppose we must find our sport among the palace wenches, then. Or," he turned to give Aiden a sly smile, "we could go to town and share a whore."

Practically growing up as brothers, Aiden and Anthony had done almost everything together, and not long ago, at Aiden's suggestion, they had shared one of the tavern slatterns. It was the most pleasure Aiden had ever had from the sex act, He'd never taken to it as Anthony had, and every time he saw a face that caught his fancy it turned to belong to a boy. He paid enough women to ensure his reputation, and by leaving the maids and the Queen's ladies alone, he knew their gossip ran the limits from cold to noble, depending how slighted they felt to not be pawed at by the second son of King Rupert Greyrose. 

That one night, though. That was different. At his own suggestion, one made based on more rumours and tales, he had taken the woman from behind, while Anthony made his way in the opening intended by nature. Feeling Anthony's cock rubbing against his, through what was evidently a thin barrier twixt cunt and ass, had given him his first true sexual excitement. There was much else he'd enjoyed about it that hadn't borne ruminations. This was the first indication he'd head from Anthony that he'd enjoyed the experience as well, though likely for different reasons.

So Aiden returned the smile and said, "Sounds like a very good plan. Race you!" He wheeled his horse and applied his heels to the animal's sides, He suspected Anthony let him win, and he couldn't tell if that annoyed him or was his due as a Prince of Clearhaven.

The intent and anticipated pleasure died as Aiden saw the unearthly glow emanating from the windows of his father's study.  Only glimpsed from beyond the walls as they returned to the city, and not visible at all within the walls, Aiden toyed with the idea of ignoring it. But no, the fact that the Greyrose family fairy godmother had come to visit and no one had seen fit to inform him irked too much.  He was seventeen, and perhaps only a second son, but unlike his older brother, he would actually come into his holdings and lands on his twenty-first birthday. If the fairy had business with the Greyrose family, he ought to be there. He weighed his indignation against his longing to be with Anthony and a willing woman. "I'll have to pass on sharing that whore, Anthony. That damn fairy is at the palace, I need to know what she's up to."

"I saw it, the light, as we rode in. Are you sure...?"

"No." He grabbed Anthony's hand and brushed the dirty knuckles with his mouth. "Have fun for both of us."

Aiden was angry when he got to the stables, and angrier still that he had to call out for the stable hand. The boy's only job was to care for the horses, how hard could it be to come out upon hearing one return. "Ho! Stable boy!" He dismounted, stalking into the stable and rapping on the crooked door at the back where the stable hand lived. A dim light showed he was within. "You!  Get your lazy ass up and see to my horse!"  A stifled feminine squeal and the rustle of cloth told Aiden that the stable hand was having more fun than he was. When the young man appeared, perhaps only a year or so younger than himself, he resisted the urge to beat him with the crop. "Mind your place."

"Yes, Highness, sorry, Highness," he replied, eyes to the ground, bending in something vaguely resembling a bow. 

Aiden stomped from the stable. Such negligence of duties by a servant was appalling and a suitable punishment had to be determined. He would report it to the Marshal on the morrow. This evening he needed to know why that damn fairy was here. Clearhaven in general and the Greyrose family in particular had close relations with supernatural. It irked Aiden in an entirely different way, one he understood - the supernatural should have no business in human affairs.  

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